Friday 31 July 2020

Most important thing I have ever faced, and likely ever will. I am doing all I can....please read.

I am not in the best place, as my mother was just found to have a mass in her chest. This mass wraps around her spine, and I am holding on to hope based on the "Rife Machine". These are not cheap. I have managed to gain about $38 in Bitcoin since we found out, but I need nearly $1000. PLEASE if you can I would really appreciate any donations at all in either cash or BTC. I am desperate, and a Gofund me resulted in $0. My Cashapp is $HubrisKK. My Bitcoin Code is below. I hate begging for anything, but my mother means more to me than anyone could imagine. I literally would off myself if anything happened to her. If you can donate I thank you so much...if not, please think positive thoughts and thank you for taking the time to read this, as you didn't have to and I appreciate it. May the road rise to meet your feet and the wind be always at your back.

Bitcoin Address

Submitted August 01, 2020 at 08:25AM by KarhmaSanctioned

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