Wednesday 2 September 2020

I have to be my own bank now. Which means I have to keep my life savings on my hard drive. Any advice?

I have to take my online business underground for legal and tax reasons. That means no more banks and bank accounts. I have to keep all my assets on my hard drive.No I’m not a Bitcoin freak. Yes I use Bitcoin, and yes I save some, but most of my money is going to stable coins, crypto-dollars and crypto-euro. Like Tether and USD Coin.These stablecoins are as good as real fiat money, they won’t lose value but won’t skyrocket either. Only issue is that I am responsible for banking security so if I get hacked all my money is permanently gone.What advice do you have? I’m thinking of setting up a dedicated cryptocurrency server by buying a laptop, installing the best firewall and antivirus, and using that computer for nothing else. via /r/Bitcoin

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