Friday 25 September 2020

Two years ago, one year ago, today

Two years ago today I owned 1.12BTC at an average purchase price of $4500

Prices had already dropped a great deal from the months prior, but I remained calm in my hodl mentality -- the price was still well above my average, after all. That changed quite rapidly and I sold it all at my break even point, only taking a loss on fees.

It wasn't that I got scared - I was two years in the game by then - I just got greedy. I had every intention of buying right back in at around 3k -- increasing my stacks and lowering my average.

I watched it hit my target and didn't buy back.

I watched it rally back above my previous average and didn't buy back.

I was left with 0.0BTC and a handful of shitcoins that weren't worth the trouble.

I watched it exceed $10K and *then* I finally started thinking about buying back.


One year ago today I had .3BTC at an average price just above $10,000

Today I have 1.65BTC at an average price of $9500. I'm always a bit sore about my mistakes, but have never been more firm in my belief in Bitcoin.

I'd likely have double that right now - at a lower average price, to boot - had I never fucked around, but am fortunate to hold what I have (and still stacking)


Don't time the market. Don't try to be slick.

Dollar cost average. Never sell.

Buy the dips whenever you can catch them. Buy anyways whenever you can't.

Submitted September 25, 2020 at 08:24AM by neversellbtc

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