Thursday 1 October 2020

Tool for creating QR codes for my business invoices?

I run a civil engineering business in the US, and have been including a note on my invoices that I accept crypto and there's a 10% discount if they pay in crypto. Unsurprisingly, I've had no takers (since 2013!) I'm thinking maybe it'd be a good idea to include a QR code on each invoice, a payment QR code to a wallet, in the amount of 10% less than the invoice. The QR code would provide visibility (no one reads fine print) and if someone scans it it would take them to the edge of the crypto rabbit hole.

Is there a good tool for doing this? I imagine the wallet for the code would have to be a BTC wallet, but if they called me and wanted to pay in some other currency, I could set it up. The tool would need to run on PC, since I create my invoices in Excel.

Submitted October 01, 2020 at 03:50AM by Spirited_Passenger

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