Sunday 28 February 2021

Ex-CIA economics expert gave me bitcoin advice today...

He said: “the thing is, with Bitcoin, you can’t view it as an investment such as a stock, like the common person. Instead, You have to view it as owning land.Instead of cashing it out, place loans against it. This way, you don’t lose your coin, and can instead weigh how to minimize land loss through manageable smaller debts. This ensures the volatility can still chance its way into your hands”.Thought that was really interesting via /r/Bitcoin

My wife is my best market indicator

Been in the space since 2017. Lost a lot of cash then started learning. Hodl is the way my friends. Interestingly my wife seems to be the best indicator of the market to the general public. Whenever she asks me 'how's the bitcoin doing?' I answer "why?" And she's like 'elon something,' or 'i read its up, what's it worth?' I know its time to expect a dip.

Conversely when she says ' I heard it crashed again, should have sold ' I know its time to buy. Its hilarious. Its like having public sentiment in my house.

Submitted March 01, 2021 at 09:21AM by bernardkay

Energy usage of Bitcoin compared to others via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin blessed 💯

I simply do not feel comfortable talking to anyone I know about this nor do I think anyone I know could relate. My hope is someone here understands.

This recent crypto correction has put me near 30% off the top of my portfolio... and this is by far the most money I’ve ever had in my life.

And what I can’t believe is that I can still fall asleep at night and make it to the gym in the morning. How am I numb to my portfolio swinging more money than I’ve made in my entire life.... in a matter of a couple days. I feel blessed to say the least. 🙏

Submitted March 01, 2021 at 04:12AM by Geee-Bee

Shark Tank's Kevin O'Leary Reverses Stance on Bitcoin, Says Crypto Is Here to Stay, Invests 3% of His Portfolio via /r/Bitcoin

Attention anyone who bought bitcoin and now is worried about the end of the bull run, pleass check out this.

Submitted February 28, 2021 at 11:34PM by omega_kyo

a reminder for the newbies

bitcoin never sleeps, but we still need to.i know it can be hard not to look at BTC price during the day, afternoon, evenings, heck even to wake up just to look at the price, but everyone needs a break.disconnect for digital for a while via /r/Bitcoin

My wife is my best market indicator

Been in the space since 2017. Lost a lot of cash then started learning. Hodl is the way my friends. Interestingly my wife seems to be the best indicator of the market to the general public. Whenever she asks me 'how's the bitcoin doing?' I answer "why?" And she's like 'elon something,' or 'i read its up, what's it worth?' I know its time to expect a dip.Conversely when she says ' I heard it crashed again, should have sold ' I know its time to buy. Its hilarious. Its like having public sentiment in my house. via /r/Bitcoin

Current BTC Situation

Submitted March 01, 2021 at 12:46AM by BroomstickTwirler

Sold all my BCH for BTC

I had been keeping a small amount of BCH as a just in case investment, but the more I have learned about crypto in general, the more I realize that Bitcoin resistance is futile. This thing is a black hole that is going to consume all other storage of value mediums. The consolidation is underway, you can see it in the overall crypto market. After this consolidation period is over, BTC will be even stronger. Long live the king!! via /r/Bitcoin

Anyone else have most of their net worth in bitcoin?

How do you justify it? I’ve been told many times that it’s not a good idea. Still do it tho 🤪.

Submitted February 28, 2021 at 12:06PM by duh_squad

Only 83 BTC were traded last week in Venezuela using LocalBitcoin (lowest since July 2016). That amount was 7,299,000,000,000 Bs. (Venezuelan currency). Right now one BTC reached 84,000,000,000 Bs. Monthly minimim wage at 1.25 USD.

Hi guys happy hodling and trading! Hope you are doing ok.

As I always explain, I'm a Venezuelan "living" here.

Lower volume in BTC but still around 5-6 million USD weekly, that is way, it is constant in USD not BTC. So many years since we are under 100 BTC weekly, I think some people that use LocalBitcoin are moving to Binance, that is just my explanation without any proof.

People that usually trade are mostly miners, people sending remittances and store owners getting rid of their bolivares and even the goverment/military as well. Considering the low minimum wage, forget that people using crypto, it is impossible for them.

If you want to know something ask me anything. Here the economy is a mess, so many poor people and a lot of people surviving! I have gotten even puntual work from some redditors since I started posting here, what a great community.

And MOONS (cryptocurrency subreddit), wow, have helped me a lot (Sadly I have to cash out).


Submitted February 28, 2021 at 10:14PM by WorkingLime

Bitcoin blessed 💯

I simply do not feel comfortable talking to anyone I know about this nor do I think anyone I know could relate. My hope is someone here understands.This recent crypto correction has put me near 30% off the top of my portfolio... and this is by far the most money I’ve ever had in my life.And what I can’t believe is that I can still fall asleep at night and make it to the gym in the morning. How am I numb to my portfolio swinging more money than I’ve made in my entire life.... in a matter of a couple days. I feel blessed to say the least. 🙏 via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin may end up like this..... via /r/Bitcoin

Max Keiser in one of the all time great freakouts. This is why we buy BTC! via /r/Bitcoin

Only 83 BTC were traded last week in Venezuela using LocalBitcoin (lowest since July 2016). That amount was 7,299,000,000,000 Bs. (Venezuelan currency). Right now one BTC reached 84,000,000,000 Bs. Monthly minimim wage at 1.25 USD.

Hi guys happy hodling and trading! Hope you are doing ok.As I always explain, I'm a Venezuelan "living" here.Lower volume in BTC but still around 5-6 million USD weekly, that is way, it is constant in USD not BTC. So many years since we are under 100 BTC weekly, I think some people that use LocalBitcoin are moving to Binance, that is just my explanation without any proof.People that usually trade are mostly miners, people sending remittances and store owners getting rid of their bolivares and even the goverment/military as well. Considering the low minimum wage, forget that people using crypto, it is impossible for them.If you want to know something ask me anything. Here the economy is a mess, so many poor people and a lot of people surviving! I have gotten even puntual work from some redditors since I started posting here, what a great community.And MOONS (cryptocurrency subreddit), wow, have helped me a lot (Sadly I have to cash out).Sources: via /r/Bitcoin

Used Gemini (Flexa) to pay for Baskin Robins and it was actually easier than paying with card...

Submitted February 28, 2021 at 10:56AM by Hurry-Zealousideal

Shower thought: You don‘t sell BTC, you just convert it to a weaker currency.

People think ‚oh i‘ve made profit, imma sell‘. You are not selling, you are most likely converting from a limited currency to a currency thats being printed on the day. It‘s like profiting on a Argentine Peso -> USD Forex trade. No point converting back to Peso‘s, just hold the USD it‘s much stronger. via /r/Bitcoin

Today I did for my brother something that nobody did for me

So today is my brother's 13th birthday.He is pretty tech savvy and he looks up to me a lot so I did what someone never did for me on my 13th birthday.I bought him $50 worth of BTC and gave him his very first bitcoin address.Considering I am now 21,if someone bought me this amount in 2013 and taught me what bitcoin and crypto is all about,I would now be in the 5-digit mark,just from that $50 alone. So for anyone out there with younger relatives,give them the gift of bitcoin.They will definitely appreciate it sooner or later. via /r/Bitcoin

I’m not sure if it’s a 🇺🇸 thing but.... it seems people forget that other countries utilize BTC as currency and not a hedge 🤷🏽‍♂️

The point is BTC will always fluctuate typically on the upside of things. anyways I’m a a stupid 🦍 what do I know. via /r/Bitcoin

The months and years ahead will be so interesting

The economic landscape in the United States and around the World is currently in a fascinating place, and it seems as if a perfect storm is brewing:

  • Massive economic growth potential driven by tech acceleration
  • Record government money printing and stimulus
  • Loose monetary policy
  • High unemployment concentrated in the underserved
  • Record high asset prices
  • Anticipated inflation
  • Accelerated information sharing
  • A widening gap in innovation between government and private industry
  • Regulation that simply can't keep up or doesn't make sense

I have no idea what will happen next. I have no idea where Bitcoin fits into all of this. We are living in one of the most interesting times in human history, and the story still has many chapters to go.

Submitted February 28, 2021 at 02:22AM by StubbedMyToez

Me this morning after seeing all the red.. via /r/Bitcoin


I am tired of people defending Bill Gates and saying things like, "Microsoft uses open source development and accepts crypto" or "He is looking out for small investors by warning them against volatility". Microsoft is adopting these things because their attacks against them failed. Where was Bill when small investors were getting wrecked in the stock market or losing their pensions? Where was his love for open source when Microsoft attacked open source licenses? Let's take a look at the history of Bill Gates and Microsoft regarding open source and crypto:

  • 1998 United States v. Microsoft was a set of civil actions filed against Microsoft Corporation by the United States Department of Justice and 20 U.S. states. The plaintiffs alleged that Microsoft abused monopoly power in its handling of operating system sales and web browser sales. Microsoft won their right to continue breaking the law.
  • 1998 leaked internal Microsoft documents state the following "OSS [Open Source Software] poses a direct, short-term revenue and platform threat to Microsoft, particularly in server space. Additionally, the intrinsic parallelism and free idea exchange in OSS has benefits that are not replicable with our current licensing model and therefore present a long term developer mindshare threat."
  • 2001 Microsoft's Steve Ballmer is quoted as saying "Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches"
  • 2002, Microsoft applied for 1,411 patents.
  • 2003, Microsoft began licensing its patents to other companies in exchange for either royalties or access to their patents (a "cross-licensing" deal). Microsoft's lawyers began calculating how many of its patents were being infringed by free and open-source software.
  • 2004 Microsoft had more than doubled the number of patents, totaling 3,780.
  • 2004 Microsoft recruits Bill Hilf to build an open source lab where he and his cohorts would build Linux systems and test them in tandem machines running Windows software.
  • 2007 Licensing chief Horacio Gutierrez claimed the total number of patents allegedly violated by open source software was 235. Gutierrez is quoted as saying "This is not a case of some accidental, unknowing infringement. There is an overwhelming number of patents being infringed."
  • 2007 Microsoft threatened to sue Linux based companies like Red Hat over patent violations.
  • 2008 Bill Gates said open source creates a license "so that nobody can ever improve the software"
  • 2008 Bill Gates outlined how open source development could work for Microsoft in a meeting with Sam Ramji (open source lead) and Ray Ozzie (lead developer).
  • 2008 Microsoft realized they couldn’t destroy or "embrace and extend" Linux. Microsoft adopts Linux benefits in fear of being left behind.
  • 2008 Microsoft purchases Powerset, one of the first companies to run a web service atop the open source project Hadoop.
  • 2009 Microsoft prototyped an Amazon-like cloud service under Sam Ramji using nothing but open source software such as Zend, OpenNebula, Eucalyptus, OpenScale and Hadoop.
  • 2009 Sam Ramji left Microsoft.
  • 2009 Microsoft sued GPS navigation device maker TomTom, arguing that the company’s Linux-based products violated a patent related to how operating systems handle file storage.
  • 2010 Microsoft releases open source project Azure
  • 2011 or earlier, Microsoft began threatening lawsuits against Android device manufacturers until they signed licensing agreements. Microsoft has never defended these patents in court. Rather than risk an expensive court battle, Android manufacturers pay Microsoft for a license.
  • 2011 Microsoft Windows announces ports for Node.js and Hadoop, both open source.
  • 2011 Microsoft contributes code to the open source project Samba.
  • 2012 Microsoft signed a patent deal with Amdocs covering its Linux use despite there never being any proof that Linux violates Microsoft's patents.
  • 2014 Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is quoted as saying "Microsoft loves Linux."
  • 2014 Microsoft adds Bitcoin to payment methods on Microsoft Accounts.
  • 2016 Microsoft releases open source .NET Core
  • 2017 In competition with Bitcoin, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation released open-source software for creating payment platforms that will help unbanked people around the world access digital financial services.
  • 2018 Bill Gates on Bitcoin “As an asset class, you’re not producing anything and so you shouldn’t expect it to go up. It’s kind of a pure ‘greater fool theory’ type of investment. I agree I would short it if there was an easy way to do it”
  • 2020 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation asks Oxford to renege on their promise to open source a COVID-19 vaccine to drug makers.
  • 2021 Bill Gates on Bitcoin “The way cryptocurrency works today allows for certain criminal activities. It’d be good to get rid of that”
  • 2021 Bill Gates on Bitcoin “I don’t own bitcoin, I’m not short bitcoin, so I’ve taken a neutral view”
  • 2021 Bill Gates on Bitcoin "Elon has tons of money and he’s very sophisticated, so I don’t worry that his bitcoin will sort of randomly go up or down. I do think people get bought into these manias who may not have as much money to spare. My general thought would be that if you have less money than Elon, you should probably watch out."

If I missed anything let me know and I'll add it to the list maybe.

TL;DR Bill Gates does not have your best interests in mind.

EDIT: For everyone pointing to Bill Gates and his philanthropy, I could do another full post about how corrupt his foundations are. He is taking resource rights away from local businesses in third-world countries and disenfranchising family owned farms. This is all paving the way for large corps to control and sell the resources of a country instead of the local population (all under the guise of feeding the world). If it was appropriate for me to post a timeline of this as well, I would. But this ain't the sub for it.

Submitted February 28, 2021 at 06:24AM by shleebs

Finally got up to 1% of a coin!

Guys I'm so broke, but 50 bucks here and there from paychecks and I've got my .01

Submitted February 28, 2021 at 09:47AM by Charlie272

When did bitcoin become about simping for billionaires?

Andreas Antonopoulos brought this up in a recent podcast. Bitcoin's narrative has shifted a lot from banking the un-banked, and replacing old corrupt institutions.

Now, the community is simping for these same corrupt institutions, as soon as they started pumping the price. I can guarantee, these institutions do not care about Bitcoin's censorship resistance, decentralization, or about banking the un-banked. They've just bought Bitcoin, then created hype so that their own investments can go up.

These institutions will not support changes that improve privacy, as that makes it harder for regulators. They will try to "normalize" Bitcoin into traditional systems. For example, Michael Saylor has said that Bitcoin isn't meant to be used as a currency, he said its just a store of value and a gold replacement.

He's trying to make it fit into traditional systems. So called "normalization of Bitcoin" is bad. People are trying to make it fit into the same institutions it was meant to replace.

This institutional investment into Bitcoin is only good, if the only you care about is the price of Bitcoin.

This community overall has also degraded to where all anyone talks about is these institutions, and the price.

This hype cycle will eventually die out, and the people who care about price will leave. The people who care about price will sell, and then the big institutions will also panic and sell, and 2017 will be repeated.

To anyone who is newly into to Bitcoin and bought hoping the price will go up, I don't want to attack you. Instead, I highly encourage you to learn more about what Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency in general is. Learn about how it works, and what problems it actually solves.

Submitted February 28, 2021 at 06:30AM by TheFronkler


I am tired of people defending Bill Gates and saying things like, "Microsoft uses open source development and accepts crypto" or "He is looking out for small investors by warning them against volatility". Microsoft is adopting these things because their attacks against them failed. Where was Bill when small investors were getting wrecked in the stock market or losing their pensions? Where was his love for open source when Microsoft attacked open source licenses? Let's take a look at the history of Bill Gates and Microsoft regarding open source and crypto:1998 United States v. Microsoft was a set of civil actions filed against Microsoft Corporation by the United States Department of Justice and 20 U.S. states. The plaintiffs alleged that Microsoft abused monopoly power in its handling of operating system sales and web browser sales. Microsoft won their right to continue breaking the law.1998 leaked internal Microsoft documents state the following "OSS [Open Source Software] poses a direct, short-term revenue and platform threat to Microsoft, particularly in server space. Additionally, the intrinsic parallelism and free idea exchange in OSS has benefits that are not replicable with our current licensing model and therefore present a long term developer mindshare threat."2001 Microsoft's Steve Ballmer is quoted as saying "Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches"2002, Microsoft applied for 1,411 patents.2003, Microsoft began licensing its patents to other companies in exchange for either royalties or access to their patents (a "cross-licensing" deal). Microsoft's lawyers began calculating how many of its patents were being infringed by free and open-source software.2004 Microsoft had more than doubled the number of patents, totaling 3,780.2004 Microsoft recruits Bill Hilf to build an open source lab where he and his cohorts would build Linux systems and test them in tandem machines running Windows software.2007 Licensing chief Horacio Gutierrez claimed the total number of patents allegedly violated by open source software was 235. Gutierrez is quoted as saying "This is not a case of some accidental, unknowing infringement. There is an overwhelming number of patents being infringed."2007 Microsoft threatened to sue Linux based companies like Red Hat over patent violations.2008 Bill Gates said open source creates a license "so that nobody can ever improve the software"2008 Bill Gates outlined how open source development could work for Microsoft in a meeting with Sam Ramji (open source lead) and Ray Ozzie (lead developer).2008 Microsoft realized they couldn’t destroy or "embrace and extend" Linux. Microsoft adopts Linux benefits in fear of being left behind.2008 Microsoft purchases Powerset, one of the first companies to run a web service atop the open source project Hadoop.2009 Microsoft prototyped an Amazon-like cloud service under Sam Ramji using nothing but open source software such as Zend, OpenNebula, Eucalyptus, OpenScale and Hadoop.2009 Sam Ramji left Microsoft.2009 Microsoft sued GPS navigation device maker TomTom, arguing that the company’s Linux-based products violated a patent related to how operating systems handle file storage.2010 Microsoft releases open source project Azure2011 or earlier, Microsoft began threatening lawsuits against Android device manufacturers until they signed licensing agreements. Microsoft has never defended these patents in court. Rather than risk an expensive court battle, Android manufacturers pay Microsoft for a license.2011 Microsoft Windows announces ports for Node.js and Hadoop, both open source.2011 Microsoft contributes code to the open source project Samba.2012 Microsoft signed a patent deal with Amdocs covering its Linux use despite there never being any proof that Linux violates Microsoft's patents.2014 Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is quoted as saying "Microsoft loves Linux."2014 Microsoft adds Bitcoin to payment methods on Microsoft Accounts.2016 Microsoft releases open source .NET Core2017 In competition with Bitcoin, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation released open-source software for creating payment platforms that will help unbanked people around the world access digital financial services.2018 Bill Gates on Bitcoin “As an asset class, you’re not producing anything and so you shouldn’t expect it to go up. It’s kind of a pure ‘greater fool theory’ type of investment. I agree I would short it if there was an easy way to do it”2020 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation asks Oxford to renege on their promise to open source a COVID-19 vaccine to drug makers.2021 Bill Gates on Bitcoin “The way cryptocurrency works today allows for certain criminal activities. It’d be good to get rid of that”2021 Bill Gates on Bitcoin “I don’t own bitcoin, I’m not short bitcoin, so I’ve taken a neutral view”2021 Bill Gates on Bitcoin "Elon has tons of money and he’s very sophisticated, so I don’t worry that his bitcoin will sort of randomly go up or down. I do think people get bought into these manias who may not have as much money to spare. My general thought would be that if you have less money than Elon, you should probably watch out."If I missed anything let me know and I'll add it to the list maybe.TL;DR Bill Gates does not have your best interests in mind.EDIT: For everyone pointing to Bill Gates and his philanthropy, I could do another full post about how corrupt his foundations are. He is taking resource rights away from local businesses in third-world countries and disenfranchising family owned farms. This is all paving the way for large corps to control and sell the resources of a country instead of the local population (all under the guise of feeding the world). If it was appropriate for me to post a timeline of this as well, I would. But this ain't the sub for it. via /r/Bitcoin

Used Gemini (Flexa) to pay for Baskin Robins and it was actually easier than paying with card... via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 27 February 2021

Finally got up to 1% of a coin!

Guys I'm so broke, but 50 bucks here and there from paychecks and I've got my .01 via /r/Bitcoin

I think Elon musk should start a bitcoin mining farm with Tesla. He has all the infrastructure to build the most energy efficient bitcoin mining farm the world has ever seen.

No text found

Submitted February 28, 2021 at 04:15AM by froureal

To the man at the grocery store...

Saw an elderly man (maybe 65-75) today at the grocery store in a Bitcoin shirt. Didn’t say anything the first time I saw him but told my wife and was like “adoption, that man gets it”.

Later seeing him at the checkout, I told him I love the shirt and he replied “keep stacking”. That’s why I’m a believer in Bitcoin bc if the older generation is starting to get on board and adapting then we have even more growth in our future, so from the guy at the store, Keep stacking.

Submitted February 28, 2021 at 06:50AM by ajdiddy

After Craig Wright claims to be the hacker who robbed MtGox, MtGox victim threatens to sue Wright over stolen funds

Submitted February 28, 2021 at 12:45AM by flesh-zeppelins

When did bitcoin become about simping for billionaires?

Andreas Antonopoulos brought this up in a recent podcast. Bitcoin's narrative has shifted a lot from banking the un-banked, and replacing old corrupt institutions.Now, the community is simping for these same corrupt institutions, as soon as they started pumping the price. I can guarantee, these institutions do not care about Bitcoin's censorship resistance, decentralization, or about banking the un-banked. They've just bought Bitcoin, then created hype so that their own investments can go up.These institutions will not support changes that improve privacy, as that makes it harder for regulators. They will try to "normalize" Bitcoin into traditional systems. For example, Michael Saylor has said that Bitcoin isn't meant to be used as a currency, he said its just a store of value and a gold replacement.He's trying to make it fit into traditional systems. So called "normalization of Bitcoin" is bad. People are trying to make it fit into the same institutions it was meant to replace.This institutional investment into Bitcoin is only good, if the only you care about is the price of Bitcoin.This community overall has also degraded to where all anyone talks about is these institutions, and the price.This hype cycle will eventually die out, and the people who care about price will leave. The people who care about price will sell, and then the big institutions will also panic and sell, and 2017 will be repeated.To anyone who is newly into to Bitcoin and bought hoping the price will go up, I don't want to attack you. Instead, I highly encourage you to learn more about what Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency in general is. Learn about how it works, and what problems it actually solves. via /r/Bitcoin

I just love that the price has stabilized around 48k for this long.

Behind a bull run...few things make me happier than when this baby stabilizes. Just had to say it, no one around me even cares.

Submitted February 28, 2021 at 04:32AM by CabinetNo4093

Is it just me that finds it odd that Bill Gates is taking it upon himself to publicly hate on bitcoin?

Why does he feel the need to take time out of his day to tarnish bitcoin? Is it just a celebrity/important person thing to take it upon themselves to vocalise their opinion, or does he have some kind of incentive for doing this?

Submitted February 27, 2021 at 07:42PM by Flewizzle

I think Elon musk should start a bitcoin mining farm with Tesla. He has all the infrastructure to build the most energy efficient bitcoin mining farm the world has ever seen.

No text found via /r/Bitcoin

To the man at the grocery store...

Saw an elderly man (maybe 65-75) today at the grocery store in a Bitcoin shirt. Didn’t say anything the first time I saw him but told my wife and was like “adoption, that man gets it”.Later seeing him at the checkout, I told him I love the shirt and he replied “keep stacking”. That’s why I’m a believer in Bitcoin bc if the older generation is starting to get on board and adapting then we have even more growth in our future, so from the guy at the store, Keep stacking. via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a Frankenstein's monster, stitched together and built using over 40 years of research and failed attempts. It was Satoshi Nakamoto who was brilliant enough to realize that prior attempts all failed due to their lack of running on a decentralized network. The rest is history.

Submitted February 27, 2021 at 07:52AM by Bitbuyer313

1.9 Trillion Stimulus Bill has been approve, $1400 Checks going to US Citizens 💵 The US Fed printing press will be going 24/7 Brrrrrrrrrr!!!!

Submitted February 27, 2021 at 05:09PM by cryptokoalaAus

Is it just me that finds it odd that Bill Gates is taking it upon himself to publicly hate on bitcoin?

Why does he feel the need to take time out of his day to tarnish bitcoin? Is it just a celebrity/important person thing to take it upon themselves to vocalise their opinion, or does he have some kind of incentive for doing this? via /r/Bitcoin

Miners Begin Accumulating Bitcoin Instead of Dumping, First Time Since Dec 27 via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Pizza tribute; Two pizzas for 10,000 BTC. It’s almost a legendary story by now. For many bitcoiners, it represents an important milestone in the history of Bitcoin. via /r/Bitcoin

Daily Discussion, February 27, 2021

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.Join us in the r/Bitcoin Chatroom!Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions. via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoins ruins some lives #bitcoin

Submitted February 27, 2021 at 09:21AM by Waxolaflame

Coverstory on Bitcoin in German „Focus“ magazine. via /r/Bitcoin

1.9 Trillion Stimulus Bill has been approve, $1400 Checks going to US Citizens 💵 The US Fed printing press will be going 24/7 Brrrrrrrrrr!!!! via /r/Bitcoin

$1.9 Trillion Covid Relief Package Passed in USA House of Reps

This is good for Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Spouses and Bitcoin

I see a number of posts on here about people hiding bitcoin purchases from their spouse (married significant other). Or how people are upsetting their spouses with their bitcoin purchases.

This is not a bitcoin issue. This a marriage issue.

Take the time to work an intentional plan with your spouse. Set goals. Make a monthly budget. And decide what to do with your money together.

Your financial life is much more than just bitcoin. And you and your spouse should be working as a team.

If you disagree on allocation into bitcoin, talk about it. Set a plan where you achieve your financial goals together, and teach your spouse how bitcoin might be part of that. And be open minded enough to understand that your spouse has goals that are more than just stacking sats.

Submitted February 27, 2021 at 09:32AM by byb9069

Bitcoin is a Frankenstein's monster, stitched together and built using over 40 years of research and failed attempts. It was Satoshi Nakamoto who was brilliant enough to realize that prior attempts all failed due to their lack of running on a decentralized network. The rest is history. via /r/Bitcoin

Which one of you was this?

Submitted February 27, 2021 at 03:31AM by EternalScab

Bloomberg Senior ETF Analyst: SEC Bitcoin ETF Approval Is Just Around the Corner via /r/Bitcoin

Time for a narrative shift. Bitcoin is about freedom, personal responsibility, and trying to fully realize the hollow words that are written on the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Stop focusing so much on the price, and focus on ending govt money monopolies.

No text found

Submitted February 26, 2021 at 09:59PM by the420chronicler

"The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money." - Alan Greenspan, Chair of the federal reserve (1987-2006). via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 26 February 2021

Bitcoins ruins some lives #bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

MicroStrategy CEO says bitcoin will one day have $100 trillion market value even as price dives. #cryptocurrency

Submitted February 26, 2021 at 11:25PM by AlexForeroHB

Spouses and Bitcoin

I see a number of posts on here about people hiding bitcoin purchases from their spouse (married significant other). Or how people are upsetting their spouses with their bitcoin purchases.This is not a bitcoin issue. This a marriage issue.Take the time to work an intentional plan with your spouse. Set goals. Make a monthly budget. And decide what to do with your money together.Your financial life is much more than just bitcoin. And you and your spouse should be working as a team.If you disagree on allocation into bitcoin, talk about it. Set a plan where you achieve your financial goals together, and teach your spouse how bitcoin might be part of that. And be open minded enough to understand that your spouse has goals that are more than just stacking sats. via /r/Bitcoin

Don't even tell your parents you have bitcoin

I have a very good relationship with my parents, but they're a bit nosy especially when it comes to finances. I told them about a small amount I had in bitcoin many years ago, but now that it's in the five figures they have gone and told other people, and pressure me every single phone call to sell.It's commonly repeated here to not tell anyone you have bitcoin, but you can trust your parents, right? Maybe you can, but their knowing will possibly change the dynamic of the relationship such that you no longer enjoy talking to them. Just don't risk it. Keep it secret. via /r/Bitcoin

I got accepted to a job which pays in BTC!!

Heyyy dear people I had to share this one for my community 🥴 I got accepted to a job which pays in BTC 😬 it’s a costumer service at a Bitcoin Exchange in Tel Aviv right in the middle of this precious city. It’s my extra job with 5 hours shift & they pay in BTC which I get to chose the percentage for cash or BTC, it’s a life changing to me because I always invested with little money on crypto and never had the opportunity to invest bigger amounts 😕now I have this opportunity to keep 100% of my payment to BTC and start collecting those within time 😀😀😀 I’m obsessed with crypto and Love so much it’s Idea and it’s potential it has. so just wanted to share with you this one I had in kept in my stomach and wasn’t sure if to publish it or not, but YOLO 😚😚 thanks for reading, hope everyone here will get paid in BTC !!

Submitted February 27, 2021 at 01:22AM by FireBangerIL

Made this in my high school animation class thought it would be a good reminder of not to panic sell!

Submitted February 27, 2021 at 12:42AM by EndlessEthann

I got accepted to a job which pays in BTC!!

Heyyy dear people I had to share this one for my community 🥴 I got accepted to a job which pays in BTC 😬 it’s a costumer service at a Bitcoin Exchange in Tel Aviv right in the middle of this precious city. It’s my extra job with 5 hours shift & they pay in BTC which I get to chose the percentage for cash or BTC, it’s a life changing to me because I always invested with little money on crypto and never had the opportunity to invest bigger amounts 😕now I have this opportunity to keep 100% of my payment to BTC and start collecting those within time 😀😀😀 I’m obsessed with crypto and Love so much it’s Idea and it’s potential it has. so just wanted to share with you this one I had in kept in my stomach and wasn’t sure if to publish it or not, but YOLO 😚😚 thanks for reading, hope everyone here will get paid in BTC !! via /r/Bitcoin

Another CoinSwap milestone: Multi-hop CoinSwaps. Undetectable bitcoin privacy is being built

Suppose Alice has bitcoins and wants to send them with maximal privacy, so she creates a special kind of transaction. For anyone looking at the blockchain her transaction appears completely normal with her coins seemingly going from bitcoin address A to address B. But in reality her coins end up in address Z which is entirely unconnected to either A or B.Now imagine another user, Carol, who isn't too bothered by privacy and sends her bitcoin using a regular wallet. But because Carol's transaction looks exactly the same as Alice's, anybody analyzing the blockchain must now deal with the possibility that Carol's transaction actually sent her coins to a totally unconnected address. So Carol's privacy is improved even though she didn't change her behaviour, and perhaps had never even heard of this software.In a world where advertisers, social media and other companies want to collect all of Alice's and Carol's data, such privacy improvement would be incredibly valuable. And also the doubt added to every transaction would greatly boost the fungibility of bitcoin and so make it a better form of money.This undetectable privacy can be developed today by implementing CoinSwap. The software could be standalone as a kind of bitcoin mixing app, but it could also be a library that existing wallets can implement allowing their users to send Bitcoin transactions with much greater privacy.For the last few months I've been working on implementing this project, and recently reached another milestone: Multi-hop CoinSwaps.In the original CoinSwap design there would be only two peers involved, that meant if your wallet did a CoinSwap the other party knew exactly where your coins went. They were a single point of failure in privacy. Multi-hop CoinSwap is where the user routes their coins of multiple CoinSwap peers, and all of them need to collude in order to figure out the final source and destination of the coins.Just for fun I created a 5-hop CoinSwap on testnet. Each hop has 3 individual transactions:Taker's outgoing transactions: maker funding transactions: maker funding transactions: maker funding transactions: maker funding transactions (also taker's incoming transactions): transactions don't look particularly special (which is the point), but they are CoinSwaps. Following the CoinSwap protocol, those coins are transferred off-chain to the next market maker. Even though the coin are unspent at the time of writing, they are unilaterally controlled by the other party.The user created a CoinSwap for 0.05 tBTC in this case (but it could have been any amount), and out the other side they got the same amount of coins (minus a fee) entirely disconnected to their initial coins. The fee goes to the makers which provides them an incentive to cooperate to improve privacy, and also gets spent on miner fees.From the point of view of someone just passively observing the blockchain, a single-hop CoinSwap is as private as a multi-hop CoinSwap, so I suspect in practice most users will just create 1-hop or 2-hop CoinSwaps.These example CoinSwaps have a visible 2-of-2 multisig address. But the plan is to later use a protocol called ECDSA-2P which allows us to create 2-of-2 multisig addresses that look the same as regular single-signature addresses. This allows CoinSwaps to blend in with the rest of the bitcoin transactions out there. Even the legacy p2pkh addresses starting with 1 can be CoinSwap addresses.CoinSwap is the next generation of bitcoin on-chain privacy tech. It improves on CoinJoin because it breaks the transaction graph, and even improves the privacy of people who don't use it. CoinSwap also uses less block space for the same privacy and therefore is cheaper in miner fees.Links:The code: ##coinswap IRC channel on the freenode networkDesign document: reddit thread: via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin In Tradition Grand Bazaar, Turkey

Submitted February 26, 2021 at 07:26PM by GeorgeWaBush

I mined about $20 USD in bitcoin years ago and basically forgot about. I just logged into the account today and is is over $450. If that isn't a reason to HODL I don't know what is.

No text found

Submitted February 26, 2021 at 03:15PM by queer_mentat

Me buying the dip, only to find out it will dip even more.. via /r/Bitcoin

Warning - Bitpanda Withdrawals -

Hy. I'm a professional with a job outside the finance industry. I earn around €40,000 a year. I don't have a large collection of assets - just a regular guy who bought some Bitcoin in 2019 with savings.Bitpanda has frozen my funds and is refusing to allow me to withdraw them on the excuse of new EU anti-money laundering rules. They have asked me to obtain proof of funds which I did, but they also want me to obtain the credit card receipts and notes from my bank of my crypto-currency purchase in 2019. I moved my Bitcoin out and in of the exchange several times, using Blockfi or trading it on Binance, and they are assuming I have cumulatively more than 100% of Bitcoin than I ever held just because I did these transactions. The amount of documentation they are asking is huge. It is unreasonable and is intended to only make sure you never get your funds back. My funds are barely half of my yearly salary so we are not speaking of a big amount.To cut a long story short I am fully complying with their demands and I am being very cooperative and very polite, however, the anti-money laundering rules which I read do not go this far and Bitpanda is making a lot of theatre with the excuse of holding our funds.This is the first time ever that a bank or an entity is acting this way with my money - holding it hostage against unreasonable demands. Although the staff is polite - I have no backing and help from them at all and they are simply making assumptions I had more Bitcoin than I did and sticking to their assumptions without helping me go through this. They don't care about our money and this is developing into a real-time nightmare.I thought I would be safe if I deposited by Bitcoin in a European-based entity. I was wrong.This is the last time ever I will use Bitpanda. It is unimaginable financial warfare we have to go through to protect and secure our legally-obtained assets and savings. I was wrong thinking that putting my Bitcoin in a European-based entity was safe. It is not. It is very dangerous. I will not be making the same mistake again. via /r/Bitcoin

A few hours ago /r/bitcoin hit 2.5 million subscribers! 500k new users within the last 48 days. Unbelievably awesome! Welcome, friends!

No text found via /r/Bitcoin

Cøbra on Twitter : Received a new letter from Craig's lawyers. Proceedings have begun regarding the whitepaper. They are coming for the developers, for the whitepaper, and ultimately for all of you. No fucking mercy anymore.

Submitted February 26, 2021 at 04:57AM by Aussiehash

Why I don't care about the volatility

1) I did my homework...I know where this is going, so day to day or even month to month values mean next to nothing to me. I have literally gone months without even looking at the current value. In 2018 I had no clue it had dipped below 4k.

2) This was always a long play for and hold...for years...not weeks or months. This isn't a get rich quick game for me...that being said I will likely be able to retire a few years early because of it.

3) Bitcoin isn't going to zero at this stage. If you don't know why that's true, then you don't understand network effects and Metcalfe's law. If it's not going to zero its going to go a LOT higher.

4) It's not going to get banned in the US. It will get regulated. Thats a good thing. That will bring in even more institutional investors. Regulation means "legitimacy".

5) Central bank digital currencies are coming. They will have no negative impact on BTC...they will likely drive it even higher by introducing even more people to the concept of digital money.

6) If this goes where I know its going...I'll never need to sell. I'll take collateralized loans against it and earn interest off it. Neither creates a tax event and both allow me to keep all my Sats.

Submitted February 26, 2021 at 08:14AM by Astropin

“The Wallet” (2021) Movie Trailer

Submitted February 26, 2021 at 06:16AM by scissoredyoursister

I’m not a smart man, but if you are never going to sell Bitcoin, why are you worried about today’s price?

No text found via /r/Bitcoin

Coinbase is going public to follow bitcoin “boom” momentum

Submitted February 26, 2021 at 04:24AM by thefoodboylover

MIT announces 4-year project that seeks to strengthen the Bitcoin Network Security via /r/Bitcoin

JP Morgan Says Investors Could Make Bitcoin 1% of Portfolios

JP Morgan Says Investors Could Make Bitcoin 1% of Portfolios

When I see this type of article it is insane to me when I think back to 2017 when I would see ads on my Facebook feed from JP Morgan talking about how bitcoin was way too risky and could go to zero and recommended customers not add this to their portfolio ever.

Submitted February 26, 2021 at 01:26AM by TheRedPillIsBitcoin

Bitcoin In Tradition Grand Bazaar, Turkey via /r/Bitcoin

I mined about $20 USD in bitcoin years ago and basically forgot about. I just logged into the account today and is is over $450. If that isn't a reason to HODL I don't know what is.

No text found via /r/Bitcoin

Thursday 25 February 2021

Not a bitcoin whale by any means, but cashed some out at ATH recently to finance our Phuket kombucha brewery. Bitcoin literally changed our lives and let us realise our dream, during one of the shittest financial times in modern Thai history Wee bit emotional right now ngl.

Submitted February 26, 2021 at 11:17AM by funkidredd

Why I don't care about the volatility

1) I did my homework...I know where this is going, so day to day or even month to month values mean next to nothing to me. I have literally gone months without even looking at the current value. In 2018 I had no clue it had dipped below 4k.2) This was always a long play for and hold...for years...not weeks or months. This isn't a get rich quick game for me...that being said I will likely be able to retire a few years early because of it.3) Bitcoin isn't going to zero at this stage. If you don't know why that's true, then you don't understand network effects and Metcalfe's law. If it's not going to zero its going to go a LOT higher.4) It's not going to get banned in the US. It will get regulated. Thats a good thing. That will bring in even more institutional investors. Regulation means "legitimacy".5) Central bank digital currencies are coming. They will have no negative impact on BTC...they will likely drive it even higher by introducing even more people to the concept of digital money.6) If this goes where I know its going...I'll never need to sell. I'll take collateralized loans against it and earn interest off it. Neither creates a tax event and both allow me to keep all my Sats. via /r/Bitcoin

Not a bitcoin whale by any means, but cashed some out at ATH recently to finance our Phuket kombucha brewery. Bitcoin literally changed our lives and let us realise our dream, during one of the shittest financial times in modern Thai history Wee bit emotional right now ngl. via /r/Bitcoin

“The Wallet” (2021) Movie Trailer via /r/Bitcoin

Next Week (hopefully)

Submitted February 26, 2021 at 05:44AM by travelingelectrician

Coinbase is going public to follow bitcoin “boom” momentum via /r/Bitcoin

Satoshi Nakamoto referenced on the front page (bottom right) of the Coinbase IPO SEC filing

Submitted February 25, 2021 at 11:07PM by K_TO_B

Cøbra on Twitter : Received a new letter from Craig's lawyers. Proceedings have begun regarding the whitepaper. They are coming for the developers, for the whitepaper, and ultimately for all of you. No fucking mercy anymore. via /r/Bitcoin

Jim Cramer Tells GameStop to Buy Bitcoin Amid Latest Stock Surge

Submitted February 25, 2021 at 07:54PM by MagoCrypto

"When we are all paid in bitcoin, no one can tell us what to do with the value we create … In a post-fiat world, you won’t have to worry about your labor and time being stolen." - Russel Okung

Russel Okung is an NFL player who signed a contract with the Carolina Panthers in March 2020. As part of their agreement, part of his wage is paid out in bitcoin.

Russel Okung's comments on bitcoin are spot on:

"Money is more than currency; it's power. The way money is handled from creation to dissemination is part of that power. Getting paid in Bitcoin is the 1st step of opting out of the corrupt, manipulated economy we all inhabit."

"When we are all paid in bitcoin, no one can tell us what to do with the value we create … In a post-fiat world, you won’t have to worry about your labor and time being stolen."

When you have a quarter of the broad money supply being created in less than a year, it is clear that the money printer determines what value is in the first place. If you receive constant government bailouts, either because your company is highly in debt or it secures many jobs, you're never ever going to do anything but to keep your company "system-relevant". You're not going to innovate. You're not even competing anymore.

Debt and the money printer killed capitalism.. risk of investing capital is only for the little guy now because they're not relevant enough for the system. Just give them a shitty paying job that we maintain for them at the mercy of our money printer while asset prices inflate away and out of reach.

The money that's being printed creates more debt than actual GDP. They have to stop but they can't.

Submitted February 25, 2021 at 07:17PM by nickname432

Coinbase S1 confirms institutions are driving this bull run via /r/Bitcoin

SAYLOR will keep buying more Bitcoin... MicroStrategy to Buy More Bitcoin After $1 Billion Purchase via /r/Bitcoin

Coinbase publicly reveals it has held Bitcoin on its Balance Sheet since 2012 via /r/Bitcoin