Friday 26 March 2021

To current and future Bitcoin millionaires....

As the hype and awareness and knowledge of bitcoin grows exponentially, along with its value, bitcoin will inevitably encounter hurdles and road blocks as it threatens the status quo.You already know this and it bears repeating again.Precisely because, in this world, especially currently and as we drag old paradigms into the future that are difficult to let go, wealth (and not necessarily wisdom) plays a crucial role in influence and direction of our society.As with any new technology, depending on who wields it, and the wisdom they have, the technology, which is inherently neutral, can either become a boon to our species and the world at large, or devolve into pathology and degrade our humanity and world. Examples are of course, the ability to harness nuclear energy, or more current, the internet itself. What holds the possibility for liberation, also contains the possibility for weaponization. As users, early adopters, and drivers of new technology we must remain humble and focused on our responsibility to use our power wisely.And so, as those of us who already have or are on the precipice of generating great wealth and the power that can possibly be wielded, I urge everyone of us to remember that the future of Bitcoin is in our hands. Not the government. Not the whales. Not centralized structures that seek to profit off this genius discovery as well. Because now we can lobby. We can influence and wield and utilize this most massive transfers of wealth to ensure a better world we know is possible.Those who worry about government intervention or the rich getting richer and controlling everything like it has always been. Well... its always been like that, and now, we have an opportunity, a gambit if you will, to shift this course and tides and become something fresh, vibrant, and beneficial for our world. Those reading this, you will likely become fabulously wealthy because you have adopted bitcoin in this most infant of stages and it will be combination of your mind towards innovation, your mind towards justice, your visionary spirit, and luck that you are here, now, to participate. Don't allow it to inflate your ego and devolve the beauty of the power that will result from this evolution into the same old game of haves and have nots, exploitation and abusive hierarchy.To those who fear what may become of Bitcoin as it threatens current power structures: you have power now. Use it to influence this shift in a good way.To those who think Bitcoin is the gravy train to enrich themselves and buy a lambo: Own your fancy cars if you must, however your existence and life urges you to remain humble, grateful, and appreciative of the opportunities that this specific opportunity is offering and to truly allow this rising tide to lift all boats.The bitcoin network only works if it is a network. A cooperative and team based endeavor to create a sound money the world has never seen. A once-in-a-species event. Let's make sure everybody gets a chance to play. via /r/Bitcoin

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