Wednesday 5 May 2021

I’m enjoying getting used to a humble lifestyle - one that will become self sustaining thanks to btc

Anyone else massively cut their expenditure to invest in Bitcoin?In mean seriously cut!?! I’m spending half my disposable income on this at the moment (excluding the roof over my head). Stopped wasting money on the useless things in life.At the end of the month I have 0 in the bank. That’s not new! Previously I’d have zero having blown my pay cheque on nights out, extravagant gadgets and not really giving a damn about saving. If I keep doing that I will be an old pensioner with a crap pension, and a whole load of gadgets and unfashionable cloths being sold by the kilo to a thrift shop to make ends meet.Instead I’m spending on the things that matter, and the only extravagant tech I’m buying is LASER EYES!šŸ™ŒšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ via /r/Bitcoin

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