Thursday, 1 July 2021

Caught a scammer on this sub. Here are all his accounts:

I mean it's reddit, so we see lots of dumb shit, but this is just hilarious. I've never seen a scammer that's that dumb, I'm almost sorry for them

Got a DM from a "girl" asking me how I'm doing. Naturally the first thing I did was check out the profile.

100 comment karma, no posts. 90% of the comments in one of those subs where people beg for karma so they can post on normal subs. The other comments were interesting thou. They were on crypto subs and they promoted some "big shot investor" they had made money investing with - guaranteed returns of course.

The funny thing is they were responding to their own comments from different accounts having a conversation with themselves about how great said guy is and giving each other (themselves) tips on investment.

How do I know it's the same person you may ask? Well funny enough they used the same account description on all their accounts, all are online at the same time and only comment at the same time, all on the same subs first begging for karma and then promoting a crypto scam talking to themselves.

Here are the four I could find so far.





Please be careful and don't let yourself be scammed.

Posted the conversation to r/Scams

Submitted July 01, 2021 at 08:26PM by Gilgameshbrah

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