Thursday 17 March 2022

Moderate Inflation is a good thing is a myth, propagated to justify insane policies

Just your regular reminder that we all have been subject to a heavy dose of propaganda in our school system on inflation and consumption.This is mainly to justify the necessity of government controlling the money-supply.A statistician (Keynes) from an aristocratic family who never had to work came up with the (incorrect) theory that spending and consumption are good for the economy, while savings are bad. Therefore, savers should be punished by constantly debasing their savings.Lots of governments ran with it to justify debasing their currencies to death to pay for WWI and WWII. After the wars, controlling money was too powerful to give up and we ended up with the current insane propaganda that money constantly losing value is actually a good thing.The economy prospers by hard work and innovations, not by arbitraging financial instruments and buying cheap Chinese shit on a credit card that you can never fully pay off.If you going to hold Bitcoin for more than a week, read something like the Bitcoin standard - so you can detoxify your brain from all the propaganda. via /r/Bitcoin

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