Wednesday 4 January 2023

Friendly reminder-Do NOT tell your boss, your coworkers, or any casual acquaintances about how much bitcoin you have

I know, especially if the prices rises, there is a desire to say "look at me, I'm so smart". I'm here to remind you that it's a very bad idea.

  1. You tell your boss. Guess what? You don't need that raise. Dude you've got more money than me!
  2. You tell your "friends". Be very, very careful expressing any wealth among people you think are "friends". I've learned this the hard way. If more than 3 people know, wrap that shit up. It can lead to heartache and resentment.
  3. Safety-do you really think people thinking you are rich and can access the $ in your phone puts you in a safer or more dangerous place?
  4. Your own ego. As bitcoin goes up, it creates wealth. Which leads to ego. Which leads to more spending and less working, generally too early. I want to tell you about 5 people I've met, one of them is me

a. Made $800k in 2007 as a mortgage company owner. Had a Lamborghini. Had a house that he put $600k into. 2009-has a watch left.

b. Had 12 houses/condos in so cal and Texas at 28. Was making $200k a year. Perfect credit. Has nothing at 32 but $800k of credit card debt.

c. Had 4 properties in 2020. Was close to the goal. Could have had 5 btc. Ended up with 1. Didn't see the slowdown coming.

d. Went to jail for 1.8 years after making 20k a month for 3+ years.

e. Had the ability to step on the gas and sell a business that would have provided life time income of 250k a year. Had 800k of btc. Decided he needed a bigger house.

Submitted January 04, 2023 at 01:30PM by Tryingtodoit23

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