Tuesday 4 April 2023

My Notes On The Possible Dollar Collapse

Hey Everyone,I've been tracking some of these geopolitical events for a little bit now in regard to the dollar and in light of everything that's been happening, I thought I'd share some of my notes. I've also been away on vacation for a bit and it looks like a lot has happened so I still need to update what I have here but I hope this provides some insight into what may be happening.None of this is meant to serve as prophecy or financial advice. I'm not advocating for anything. This is strictly just information. Feel free to fact check it.How is this relevant? If the dollar does collapse, a whole of people are probably going to wish they had, at the very least, diversified into Bitcoin.Here are my notes (if the formatting is off, give me a few to fix it):Edit: I am not saying that the dollar will be replaced with another reserve currency (or BTC). What I think would most likely happen if the dollar lost its role as the global reserve currency is that countries would trade with several commodity backed currencies.Possible Collapse Of The US DollarNote: Most of this comes from Andy SchectmanTimeline1944-Bretton Woods AgreementCountries would peg their currency to the dollar and the dollar would be pegged to gold at $35 per ozCountries bought dollars with gold1971-Nixon suspends the dollar's gold standardConcerned that the U.S. was printing more dollars than it had gold to fund the Vietnam war, the president of France sent a ship full of cash to buy its gold backThis sparked Nixon to suspend the gold standard temporarilyThe gold standard is still suspended1974-Henry Kissinger brokers a joint military cooperation agreement with Saudi Arabia for military protection in exchange for OPEC valuing oil in dollars globallySince this deal, almost every country has had to own dollars in order to buy oilHence "petrodollar"2017-German Bundesbank repatriates its gold back from USThis was at the end of a six-year precious metals bear marketThis was a really weird moveWithin a few weeks of this, the banks of Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Czech National Bank, Dutch National Bank, followed in kind2018-The same group that repatriated their gold bought more gold as a group than the 60 previous years combined2019-The previous numbers from 2018 are up nearly 100%2019-Bank of International Settlements quietly reclassified gold as the world's only other tier 1 assetSince 1944, only US dollars and treasuries were tier 1 assetsGold was tier 3 which meant only 50% was valued on the balance-sheet and became tier 1 which made it equal to cashWere these banks clued in by the BIS?2020-China's Belt and Road InitiativeRepresents over 75% of the world population45% of global GDP, even before it's industrializedContracts are mostly settled in the digital yuan2020-International Monetary Fund (IMF) says they want a "New Bretton Woods"2020-Commitment of Traders Report from COMEXTypically only commercial banks and speculatorsNow there is a new list of reportables called the "others" which are family offices and sovereign wealth funds who are considered the most well-informed private investors"... to this point in my career, less than 1% of COMEX contracts ever stood for delivery," - Andy SchectmanThe "others" drained the market of physical supplyIn 2020, took off more silver than in a typical decade and more gold than the Bank of Japan has in its official holdings2021-Russia, Turkey, India, Poland, China, Kazakhstan, Hungary, Thailand, Japan, Brazil, Czech Republic all copiously accumulating goldNot just buying gold, but buying and taking delivery of it2021-One day after America "surrenders" Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Russia announce a joint military cooperation agreementThe same type of agreement that Kissinger brokered with Saudi Arabia in 1974 that started the petrodollar2021-The very next day, Nigeria announces the same agreement between them and RussiaNigeria is currently selling their oil to China for Yuan denominated bonds that can be converted to gold immediately on the Shanghai Gold ExchangeCalled the petro-yuan bondThis is how countries can side-step U.S. sanctions(Saudi Arabia is now doing this too)2022-U.S. weaponized the dollar against Russia using SWIFTAmerica told one country that they can no longer freely use the global reserve currencyRussia is pushed into the open arms of ChinaWere other countries, including the BRICS nations, wondering if they were or could be next?2022-Russian, Iran, India corridorLinks northwest Russia to the Persian Gulf by way of the Caspian Sea in IranEveryone but these three countries have to go all the way around2022-Turkey, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia announce they are contemplating joing BRICS2022-Turkey Looks to Ditch Dollar in Payments for Russian Energy2022-In first seven months of the year, Turkey has purchased more gold than any other central bank2022-China has dumped over 100 billion in bonds2022-147 countries are on the Belt and Road, including all of the 13 OPEC countries2022-Six of the OPEC countries have joined or are in the process of joining BRICS2022-Russia and China accounce a new world reserve currency2022-Gold is leaving the COMEX market at the fastest rate ever2022-Silver being withdrawn from the London Metals Exchange to the lowest amount in recorded historyBRICS NationsBrazil, Russia, India, China, South AfricaOver a dozen other countries have applied to join, including Saudi Arabia and Mexico via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/40Z2PUT

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