Hi guys,As you probably know I'm Venezuelan living here, crypto enthusiast.I used Bitrefill to pay my prepaid phone cellphone plan (60 Bs. -VES- a little bit than 2 USD).It was really smooth, it was fast and the fee was very cheap.The rate used at Bitrefill isn't good, so using the LN is good but in the end you pay more, hope the rate gets better. I ended up paying like 4 USD for the 60 Bs. recharge.The order itselfDone!I would totally do it again because it is really fast but the Bitrefill rate isnt good (even in FIAT currencty, so it's not Bitcoin problem...), really hope it gets better, so here you can pay at the supermarket with Bitcoin and also pay your cell phone plan.Any question let me know. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/42fvOEr
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