Tuesday 27 June 2023

Let's remove some zeros. There are only 21 bitcoins for 8000 people.

Millions and billions trillions have to many zeros. Hard to see the rarity in the usual phrase there are only 21 million bitcoin for 8 billion people.

But If we remove some zeros, 21,000,000 vs 8,000,000,000, you'll see just how scarce bitcoin is. 21 bitcoins for 8000 people.

I dunno about you, but in my mind the supply is already GONE. Consider the fact that 19 BTC are already in circulation and you get... 3 bitcoin for ~8000 people. We are all not ready for the incoming supply shock.

Submitted June 27, 2023 at 06:30PM by DCAfinacialDude https://bit.ly/3NMWS9Y

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