Sunday 25 June 2023

What is the minimum amount of BTC you would feel comfortable having in a retirement account at this point?

Am curious to see what everyone thinks is the proper amount to have stashed away for later, how much and in what vehicle, either in a traditional IRA, a Roth or even just in a secure waller. Also at what time intervals, like if I was retiring noe would want to have quite a few whole coins in there, but as the years go by that may not always be the case, to the point that in say 30 years BTC value would be enough that 0.1 BTC in a tax free account may be enough to live comfortably on, by todays retirement metrics. Any ideas on the milestones for this, barring 'Wen moon?'

Submitted June 25, 2023 at 10:17PM by A_Stones_throw

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