Monday 14 August 2023

Hard out here for a Bitcoiner

Goddamn I feel like outside of this sub, mentioning bitcoin results in being downvoted to oblivion. It’s actually a good reminder how early we are. When people are still saying ponzi, or the largest wallets control the network, or it’s not backed by anything….pretty telling stuff. I’m referring to Reddit specifically.I feel like one of the issues is people only address it as an investment, and not as a solution to a problem. People think they missed out, or they are jaded from years of hearing people talk about it and never owning any. They write it off with surface level attacks, which only demonstrate their lack of understanding. I’ll keep stacking, I’m just mindblown how people can’t even admit, in the slightest, than maybe it at least serves a single purpose (it serves many).Cheers to the tail end of the bear season, I’m going to laugh when some of these naysayers hit their FOMO, buy at the peak, and sell for a loss without ever understanding what Bitcoin is. Hopefully a few of them have the “aha” moment. via /r/Bitcoin

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