Thursday 31 August 2023

I’m not sure whether I should be learning more about Bitcoin or learning how to defend my stance.

It’s very discouraging. I can’t educate others on BTC because It’s come to the point where I don’t even want to mention the word Bitcoin anymore. So many people just see Bitcoin as a price on an exchange. I just had people tell me “it’s worth nothing” or “it’s a scam.” Im a college student, and even my math professors at my own school are against it. If Bitcoin is not convenient for them, then they won’t BOTHER learning what it is.

I spent this summer learning about Bitcoin. Here’s my definition:

Bitcoin is just another evolution of a payment system. Instead of moving money through an institution, you are moving money through a network. Instead of being assigned an account number, you're assigned a bitcoin address. Instead of the banks being in control of your money, you are now in control of your money.

Bitcoin is a movement. With Bitcoin, you can send money to anyone in the world, at anytime, without a third party. That last sentence is something called decentralization. There are about 2 billion people in the world who don't have a bank account. With Bitcoin, you don't need a bank account to send money. All you need is internet. Bitcoin is not only a movement, it's the solution. However, today Bitcoin is seen more as a store of value since there is no high-scale adoption yet.

That’s all I really have for my rant. Even though I just started my Bitcoin journey, I think I still have a long way to go. But as much as I want to help educate other people, I think I’ll just stay in my own lane for now.

Submitted August 31, 2023 at 03:47AM by Objective_Royal9628

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