Thursday 30 July 2015

Bitcoin MOD /u/jratcliff63367 makes front-page post about banning articles. Deletes it after the whole subreddit disagrees!! Ethereum still banned!!

This was the post that was on the front page: The whole subreddit disagreed with him and downvoted all his posts, so he just deleted it! All other posts about the topic he was talking about still banned!! The largest ever Bitcoin crowdfunded project was launched today, but news of it was banned from this subreddit. Nobody is saying that this sub needs to turn into /r/***. BUT, ** was funded by $18,000,000.00 worth of Bitcoin, and has developed a lot of novel blockchain technology which Bitcoin should probably look at adopting. The fact that the largest Bitcoin crowd-fund in history launched today IS ON-TOPIC for this sub. By hiding and banning this technology from this sub, we are making ourselves ignorant to possible improvements we can make to Bitcoin. The mod in question above kept comparing ******* to Dogecoin saying 'Should we start posting Dogecoin articles ehre?'-- One is serious, the other is a joke. Everyone knows it. My suggestion is to modify the off-topic policy to allow posts from other crypto currencies if they have MAJOR news. i.e. Product launches, New york times, wall st journal, etc. If we turn this sub into a circl-jerk echo-chamber then we're doing ourselves a disservice. via /r/CryptoCurrency

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