Tuesday 29 December 2015

PSA as a miner since 2011: Bitcoin Core is not the Bitcoin I was promised - and I have a solution to save us

As someone who was around for the $5 coins and refused to give up on Bitcoin since the beginning, Chinese pool admins listen up!I just can't believe the project has been hijacked by such FUD. Poisonous developers rule the day.It takes VISION and creative engineering to make Satoshi's original plan work, but the fact is CORE has basically stagnated into small blockers with RBF dreams. Simply reading the IRC chatlogs prove they are completely ignoring the elephant in the room, and instead are discussing what color the bike shed should be. No one needs fucking RBF!This fact has been painfully obvious to many of us early adopters, but even with the huge +/- vote swings on Reddit supporting blocksize progress next to nothing has actually been accomplished. A vocal minority stonewall any progress. This has to stop.I'll say it again, for the sake of Bitcoin, for crypto, for the future THIS HAS TO STOP. There is no such thing as a sure bet, but I would rather risk it all for Bitcoin to take over the world than turn this into a languishing tiny niche settlement network. That is not the Bitcoin we were promised, and will result in lower earnings for everyone long-term: and I say this as a miner myself!We have made it this far, lets not give up now. There is one last chance in this fight to fix this, and it is through the only real governance mechanism Bitcoin provides: The Miners.I would like to plead for anyone in this community that can contact the Chinese pool operators to remind them of the 8mb letter they all signed and agreed to.Sure maybe XT was too aggressive, but 2-4-8 or just about anything is better than what we have today. (besides some of the nonsensically small/dumb proposals - luke still thinks 1mb is "too big"!)What I propose: Chinese pool operators please let individual miners choose. To prevent DOS attacks like what happened to slush, allow each login account to "flag" if they prefer Core 1MB or say any of the other increase proposals. Track the hashrate separately. Heck use XT's voting mechanism but make it 4mb now with max 32mb (XT-lite anyone?). Learn the love the fork!This is the only true way to put this debate to rest. Forum posts and this bickering only continue to hurt this community, and its time for some real action. 2016 could be "the" year for Bitcoin, but not if 1MB sticks around - there is simply no way to handle the influx of users once we surpass previous ATH with the current Core. Oh wait, that's right, RBF is their shitty solution because then we can all bid for the right to get in a tiny 1MB block.BITCOIN HAS BEEN HIJACKED, AND IT HAPPENED FROM WITHIN. Help us Chinese miners, you are our ONLY hope!The solution to the node problem is NOT to keep/make Bitcoin smaller, but to INCREASE ADOPTION. New users will bring new nodes. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1OjyJm8

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