Wednesday 2 December 2015

The Parallel World Between Invasive Species and Bitcoin

"The New Wild" by Fred Pearce is about so-called "invasive species." His main ideas are that 1. the spread of species has been a trend since the ice age, 2. foreign species tend to thrive in environments that are have been physically or chemically damaged, and 3. the introduction of foreign species usually leaves ecosystems richer in biodiversity than they were before. Some examples Pearce looks at are the zebra mussels in the great lakes, caulerpa in the Mediterranean, kudzu in the american south, and tamarisk in the american west. Each of these plants exploded in growth and inconvenienced people in at least one way. Some people vilified the species by highlighting or exaggerating issues, while ignoring benefits. There is overwhelming evidence that benefits exist: the new plants detoxed and enriched their new ecosystems, and other species flourished.Pearce's examples have so many parallels to bitcoin it's really blown my mind - like a fractal or a story by Borges. 1. Bitcoin is an alien species - a new and invasive animal that is growing quickly. 2. Bitcoin is vilified for making illegal drugs easier-to-access and permitting ransomware like crypto-locker. 3. Bitcoin is growing in a polluted environment. (Moneys based on gold or silver were clean, but they evolved into things created by the powerful, loaned to the rich at low interest, and loaned to the poor at high interest. They are pyramid schemes and they are toxic to society. People in small poor countries can't save for the future; they can only watch as their moneys are devalued. Today's moneys are stressing democracy in rich countries, and giving it no chance in poor countries.)Pearce's analysis of invasive biological species is eerily parallel to that of bitcoin. It's increased my confidence that bitcoin is good and that its future is bright. It will grow explosively and clean up a toxic environment. It will give individuals the autonomy to voluntarily cooperate towards building a rich and beautiful world. via /r/Bitcoin

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