Thursday 31 March 2016

A Shot in the Dark: Any Bitcoin Companies Offering Scholarships?

Hey everyone, earlier today, I got accepted to the Economics program at NYU. This is a huge honor, as it is a top 10 economics program in the US. NYU is involved with Bitcoin, as am I. They currently offer classes on Bitcoin. If I attend NYU, I plan to take my Bitcoin involvement to the next level by founding a Bitcoin group at the school.Unfortunately, NYU is not the most affordable school, and this is where my dilemma comes in. I come from an average, middle class family. Despite this, my tuition is going to cost 70k, yearly. It's a feasible amount by no means, and without significant outside aid, there is 0 likelihood that I will be able to attend.If there are any current Bitcoin companies that offer scholarships to incoming college students who are involved with Bitcoin, please let me know. In addition, are there any companies that would be worth my time to reach out to for such an offer?Again, I know this is a long shot, but I really want to attend this school. If anyone wants more information on who I am as a person and Bitcoiner, feel free to pm me or comment below. Thank you so much. via /r/Bitcoin

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