Thursday 31 March 2016

My account has been suspended with 35k euros in it (x-post from /kraken)

Hi. A little bit of context : i am a bitcoin trader in my country for some time and 2 months ago i decided to register on kraken because of their low fees and good security. Everything good, i got verified to tier 4 account and kept exchanging bitcoins, untill this morning when i receive a e-mail from kraken :"Your account is on hold because we've identified irregularities in the account that require further investigation. The investigation may take several weeks. We're very sorry for the inconvenience, but we cannot release account funds during the investigation. Thanks for your patience."What do they mean by irregularities ? I was just doing what everybody does and what i was doing from the start : trading bitcoins. The biggest problem is not that they closed my account, but that they did it with funds in it. I have about 30 btc in it and 30k euros that i cant trade or withdraw. From what i read on similar cases the "investigation" doesn't usually actually end. Does that mean the money is lost forever ? A friend of mine who works in the finance system told me i should lawyer up, but that will take time and i need the funds right now.TL;DR : Kraken suspended my tier 4 verified account with almost 38k euros in it.UPDATE : From what i see they removed my post from their subreddit. It seems they dont like this kind of attention. via /r/Bitcoin

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