Thursday 31 March 2016

Question with unlimited power usage in apartment.

I have an incredibly expensive apartment, I barely use (Mostly stay at my GF'S) That comes with 100% unlimited utilities, I've read the lease and there is no way to remove these unlimited utilities from me. I'm having a lot of trouble paying the rent, and thought, hell, I may be able to rent out space to some bitcoin miners for the unlimited electricity. It's 700 square feet and I have 0 problem packing 400 of those with bitcoin mining equipment, if it can help me (or completely pay) my rent. Do you guys know if this is viable? Let me know, this would be an amazing solution to my money problems at the moment if possible.

Edit: Also have unlimited 50mbps up and down internet.

Submitted April 01, 2016 at 02:34AM by WalriePie

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