Wednesday 30 March 2016

Need some help with restarting miners remotely.

Hello, maybe someone is using some kind of software or hardware to restart the miner remotely when for example: 1. Miner is working but not hashing in the pool ( internet is on, electricity is on) In this case i have to physically pull out the electricity plug and put it back in. 2. The router gets stuck, no internet. In this case i have to physically restart the router, there is no internet to restart remotely. I found a GMS information system, which allows you to restart the electricity via SMS message, it cost about 80Eur and if you use it on very miner it is quite a sum. Maybe someone is using some remote solutions and could help a fellow miner out :) Thanks in advance.

Submitted March 31, 2016 at 01:02AM by Wanotojas

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