Sunday 1 October 2017

How to fight back against bizcoin (Segwit2x)

So, we do have a way to defeat this hard fork.

And it really shouldn't be that hard.

Step #1 : Demand that all exchanges list S2X as a separate token. If you have millions in bitcoin, then please hire an attorney to send Coinbase and Gemini letters notifying them that you will sue them for fraud if they try to list S2X as BTC. If you cannot afford an attorney, send emails. (This is literally as if Fidelity or Etrade arbitrarily took your Apple stock and replaced it with an equal number of shares of some random penny stock. Without your permission!)

Step #2 : We have all heard that S2X 'has 90%+' miner support. Let's be clear. They will only mine the profitable coin.

Every survey done so far makes it abundantly clear that the economic majority does not want S2X coin. (Recent public statements by bitcoin whales make this even more obvious.)

Show it, by dumping your airdrop of S2X coins on the markets. (Instructions on how to do this safely will be readily available should the need arise).

No one is going to be stupid enough to dump their real BTC for S2X. That would be financial suicide.

When S2X has a miniscule market price miners will rush back to BTC because they will follow the money!

The power is in our hands because we give bitcoin it's market value. Let your voice be heard.

And, I repeat, make it abundantly clear that any exchange that lists S2X as BTC will be sued. Any custodial accounts which attempt to convert BTC to S2X will be guilty of theft.

Submitted October 01, 2017 at 01:47PM by jratcliff63367

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