Sunday 1 October 2017

Idea for dealing with heat output

Wondering if anyone has tried this. I have an s9 and an Avalon 741 on the way and I'm running a dedicated circuit for each in a spare bedroom. This room has an air vent near the ceiling and the trunk line goes right by this room on its way to the rest of the house.

With winter coming, has anyone ran 4" or 6" a/c lines from the exhaust on the miner through the vent opening into the trunk line? I'm thinking if I remove the vent and shoot the heat down the line it will carry the heat to the rest of the house. By blocking heat from entering the room, it should stay cool and if it gets too hot, I could crack a window.

If this does end up working, I'll have to figure something else out in the spring tho.

Submitted October 02, 2017 at 02:23AM by MtBowels

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