Sunday 1 April 2018

r/Bitcoin recap - March 2018

Hi Bitcoiners!I’m back with the fifteenth monthly Bitcoin news recap.For those unfamiliar, each day I pick out the most popular/relevant/interesting stories in r/Bitcoin and save them. At the end of the month I release them in one batch, to give you a quick (but not necessarily the best) overview of what happened in bitcoin over the past month.And a lot has happened. It's easy to forget with so much focus on the price. Take a moment and scroll through the list below. You'll find an incredibly eventful month.You can see recaps of the previous months on Bitcoinsnippets.comA recap of Bitcoin in March 201801: How to set up a Bitcoin Lightning node for <$100 & A Court in Russia orders to unblock 40 Bitcoin sites02: There are now 72% more full nodes than 2 years ago & Jameson Lopp quits BitGo for a new cold storage solution targeting high net worth hodlers03: Coinbase gets sued for alleged insider trading04: Bitcoin gets a lot of TV coverage on various networks05: The full story of the Bitcoin Pineapple fund which donated $56M to non-profits & The odds of winning the powerball lottery vs. guessing one bitcoin private key06: Ledger Nano S gets a firmware upgrade allowing up to 18 apps on the device07: The Mt. Gox trustee has sold 35k btc over the past months to pay back creditors who lost their holdings in the hack & Halong Mining acquires a defensive “Overt ASICBoost” patent08: People discuss how the Mt. Gox trustee is selling on exchanges instead of auctioning off the coins09: Someone gets $70k worth of bitcoin stolen by trusting a scam wallet and people discuss ways to deal with it10: Bitcoin Core’s source code is now being timestamped on the Bitcoin blockchain & The first batch of cryptomatoes is ready to be harvested as cryptocurrency mining and agriculture get combined & An analysis of how at least $3B of all daily cryptocurrency volume is fabricated & Kakao to integrate cryptocurrency for 12000 merchants and its millions of users11: Why Bitcoin is the petroleum of our day & An infographic about the Lightning Network for non-technical people12: John Oliver on Bitcoin and the Blockchain in Last Week Tonight & The first Bitcoin monument, located in Kranj in Slovenia13: Japan’s third-largest electricity provider will test bitcoin on the Lightning Network & How we can have both a P2P and a Hub approach within the Lightning Network14: Some statistics on UTXO consolidation now that the mempool is empty & Bitmain is estimated to have made $3-4B in profits in 2017 & The Winklevoss twins propose a self-regulatory organisation to monitor the cryptocurrency markets & Every major Wall Street bank has quietly invested in cryptocurrency and distributed ledger companies15: Lightning Labs launches the beta version of LND on the Bitcoin mainnet and raises $2.5M in funding from among others the CEO of Twitter16: The Mt. Gox trustee confirms he sold the bitcoins in a way that “would not affect the market price” & A Wall Street firm that traded $5 Trillion in 2017 just started trading bitcoin & Peter Thiel’s latest stance on Bitcoin: A hedge against the world falling apart17: The current Bitcoin code is 77k lines long, compared to the original of 14k & Someone debunks a Lightning Network attack vector18: People discuss the price crash in comparison to the one in 201419: US Congress praises cryptocurrency and blockchains in a joint report on the state of the economy20: Lightning Nodes are getting DDOS’ed, a good test for resilience of the network21: Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter and Square, says Bitcoin will be the single global currency of the Internet & The governor of China’s central bank makes some remarks about Bitcoin22: A Dutch court rules that bitcoin is an official financial asset23: Blockstream launches the Lightning Publisher app for Wordpress & Malta’s prime minister personally welcomes cryptocurrency exchange Binance to the country24: Slush Pool mines the first block using overt AsicBoost using a Halong miner & A reminder that only 26% of full nodes have upgraded25: Blockstream launches Paypercall allowing API monetisation through the Lightning Network & A reminder to encrypt and store your bitcoin offline as new laws infringing data privacy have passed26: Hackers tried to steal funds from a Lightning channel, but ended up losing theirs through the penalty system27: Reddit drops bitcoin as a means to buy Reddit Gold as Coinbase changes its merchant tools28: A reminder that Hal Finney wrote code for a bitcoin wallet using only his eyes while paralyzed by ALS29: A writer exposes himself for using a sockpuppet account30: People talked about the bitcoin price, a lot, after it went down drastically31: An article on the benefits of Schnorr Signatures & The Nvidia CEO believes cryptocurrency will be core business for the company via /r/Bitcoin

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