Sunday 1 July 2018

Bitcoin will be the "Currency of Time"...

It is my strong belief that "Time" is the most valuable resource that we Humans have access to...

As Neil deGrasse Tyson so eloquently quoted "Time is defined to make motion look simple"; what he's saying here is that the only reason we have a "need" for the concept of "Time" is to allow us a unit of measurement to describe motion effectively...

There is evidence that Time is our most valuable resource when you look back in History: The first accountants were "time-keepers" ie. the first astronomers! They first used motion to delineate a unit of time by realizing the Sun that rises and falls, this is presumably the first unit of time ever invented. This smaller unit of measurement (day) was used to delineate and measure other movements of greater celestial objects and eventually it helped us figure out where we were in the galaxy! It is no coincidence the first accountants were accountants of time or "time-keepers", it is VALUABLE!

A drawing of early astronomers, accounting for \"Time\" by using the motion of celestial bodies...

They knew not what they were measuring, but they didn't need to know, they saw something repeat; thus a unit of time was created... If you have something that repeats predictably, you've created a time-keeping mechanism...

One could argue that Time is the only resource we truly "have", but one could also successfully debate that "Time" itself is a tool to help us accomplish things more predictably, thus preserving a bit of Time... This is quite literally the only use we have for Time, it is primarily why we invented it back when our ancestors looked at stars...

Ask somebody for ALL their Money, and then ask them for ALL their Time, same result?

If something saves you time, it is money... The reason is because Time IS money... When you buy a pack of bubble gum, you are buying the time necessary to create that product. When you work, you get paid for your time. Time IS money... This is why when you give somebody money and then wait a few years, you should expect a return of some kind, you gave them the money PLUS the time, this is the entire reason why ANY interest EVER is paid on ANYTHING... TIME!

The man who can waste somebody else's time is truly wicked, but that is a subject for a different post, let's get right to the Hero:

Lightning Network

Now that you know the importance of time, and therefore money, you should see the potential lying dormant in the Lightning Network...

When BILLIONS of people around the world can transact near instantaneously, we will see a compound interest effect upon both the time AND money savings that are offered to ALL of Humanity...

We have planes that can cross the Atlantic Ocean faster than any form of Global Money; this is truly unacceptable for the 21st Century, Lightning Network will solve this problem, and it will do it quickly...

HyperBitcoinization was never just about "fast-money", it was about "fast-everything"...

Buckle up butter-cup, the future is coming!

Submitted July 01, 2018 at 04:45AM by TwitchTV_Allthaea

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