Saturday 29 December 2018

Bitcoin Mining for a Noob

I've gone through this forum a bit but to be honest, it's all pretty overwhelming and I'm not sure where to start.

That said, this isn't my first rodeo and I've been in the BTC world for a while now and have just finished setting up my CASA Node and I want to do more.

(The node is pretty cool, by the way. It did take a few hours to set up with port-fwding and what not, but it really was an enjoyable experience. I don't expect to make any money with it, but as the proud owner of both a BTC and LN node, I'm proud to be contributing to the network; which is why I'm now looking at mining a little more seriously.)

I have no intention of turning a profit, but if I can come close to at least break-even on the electricity costs with pooled mining that would be nice. I have no concerns regarding initial capital investment in equipment as I have just liquidated some old BTG that had been sitting on a paper wallet for forever. Probably should have cashed those out when they were floating around $350USD and not a $14, but dem the bricks. I didn't have the software to do it at the time, but I still made a killing dumping my BCH! haha!

My main question is regarding if this is really within the reach of a non power-user? I have very scant experience with command line code, but if the guide is simple enough, I'm sure I can follow things step by step.

I'm thinking of getting a used miner and rack. Just one should be fun to play around with to start obviously. If anyone has recommendations for rigs and set-ups, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Submitted December 30, 2018 at 01:31PM by Atlas_84

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