Sunday 30 December 2018

Jumping on the Mining craze (In the UK) Wanting advice please

It seems with the stock market of bitcoin becoming more stable that it is a good time to jump on to Bitcoin and Alt coin mining. This is not because I want passive income or to get rich, I just want to learn and be pro-active. Electricity is not a problem. However, start up capital is.

I have low (average) spec computers and a small budget - but very low cost electricity. I do not mind if it is not profitable as I just want to learn and get into it. I want to start by Solo mining but I am open to cloud mining as well. I have been told it is best to start with lower currencies to learn the software as you find more blocks more often (lower value).

First question: Is it best to start with a BitMain antminer USB to the computer or to go all in with an old S9 Antminer or to go brand new? I want to keep my initial investment low to learn the software and system. So I am thinking the BitMain Antminer is best for me (around £45-55) rather than a second hand s9 Antminer (£200-300). Please can you tell me some good start up software to buy from ebay etc.

Second question: This is related to the initial set up of the piece of software in question and how to decrypt blocks when found.

Any further advice/help would be greatly appreciated - I am going to be buying some software and doing some more research in the next week. I have a E-Wallet on CoinBase and BlockChain already as I own a few cyrpto-currency at the moment.

Thank you for your time!

Submitted December 30, 2018 at 10:55PM by ryaster2

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