Tuesday 28 May 2019

Why I Believe in Bitcoin

When I made the decision to invest in bitcoin, it was for a long-term investment.

I feel bitcoin is going to rise in price significantly in the next 5-10 years. I also feel that it is a good store of value at the price I paid for my bitcoin. I have faith in the bitcoin network and I see bitcoin as the gold standard among cryotocurrency.

I was around during the early days of the internet. Connecting to local bulletin boards (or pay long distance to connect to exotic far away boards) via dial up 2400baud modem. I had a free unlimited America Online account for being a Beta tester and remember telling older family members that websites would replace 1-800 numbers on the bottom of the screen at the end of commercials and the general response I got was "Oh, that's just for computer nerds" and widespread adoption would never happen.

They started to believe me a little when I broke the news of Princess Diana dying from AOL Headlines. I ran out and told my family about what happened and they thought I was crazy. Well, I don't blame them. They were watching the news.

I was extremely young at the time and felt that the internet was going to change how we live life on a daily basis.

And look where we are now. Billions of people are connected via the internet with computers in their pocket 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

I felt so strongly about that and that's how I feel about bitcoin.

I don't even fully understand the technology, but I feel it.

I've learned in my life to trust true gut instincts. That's what I feel about Bitcoin.

So far, so good.

HODL ON, my friends.

Submitted May 28, 2019 at 10:13PM by HurricaneBetsy http://bit.ly/2ECknOY

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