Monday 20 February 2023

24 yr old male with Spinocerebular ataxia (and bitcoin maximalist)

Title says it all. I have my report from my neurologist and it is now 100% sure I have inherited SCA1 from my mother.The symptoms will kick in mostly during the 4th or 5th (best case) decade of life.At around 2-4 years after the first signs of symptoms (motoric and verbal inhibitions) it is quite normal to be stuck in a wheelchair permanently while loosing motorical functions as time goes on.The research around a therapy of spinocerebular ataxias wich are neurodegenerative diseases, are still in play and there is no healing as of right now.NOW: Bitcoin helps me keep being optimistic. In 10-20 years I hope I can use my stack to push the research and find a lab that studies for a promising therapy plus put it into research foundations for ataxia and so on.There is good research done today but it could be better.I think the majority of corporations especially pharma and such will stay in a stinky fiat-oriented system, but I think Bitcoin is likely gonna invade fiat-pharma corporations wich results a push for further innovation.And if not: hell, my life is shorter but at least I got my bitcoins to spend it and give them to my kids maybe. via /r/Bitcoin

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