Monday 13 February 2023

My family laughed out loud at me on Thanksgiving of 2019 when I told them I was all in on $BTC…

I remember it vividly when I was sitting at Thanksgiving dinner in 2019 (18 years old at the time) talking to my cousin and told him I was finally a “whole-coiner” which he had zero understanding of. I then went on to tell him that it meant I had my first whole Bitcoin and that I intended to get many more. My aunt overheard and starting chatting with the other adults at the table (my mom and dad, grandparents, and other two sets of aunts and uncles) before asking me why I wasn’t just buying up all the monopoly money, at which most of the adults laughed. I remember feeling so embarrassed and like they would never understand. They proceed to playfully harass me over it and say how foolish of an idea it even was. My whole family is quite successful and have been so in the most traditional routes (doctors, engineers, lawyers, bankers) and the thought of BTC to them was like lighting your money on fire, and they made sure that I knew whatever money I put into BTC would be worth nothing. After that day I questioned everything and was on the verge of selling my BTC and walking away. It was all the money I had to my name. I was driving doordash after class every day and on the weekends in high school for the last couple of years to get that BTC and now I felt like a fool. After talking myself “off the ledge” I realized that I was not wrong… they were. And I continued to HODL and accumulate. I come back here today to proudly share that I have just completed a major milestone in BTC balance (not today IRS 😉) and have never sold a penny. My average cost is somewhere around $14k (hard to estimate because my job pays me in BTC) and as a 22 year old I STILL keep 95% of my net worth in BTC. I will never bring this back up to my family because it’s not about being wrong or right, it’s about being able to understand it altogether. My new goal has been set and I will keep accumulating, along with onboarding every person that I get the chance to.

I know many of you have similar stories and probably from far before adoption was at the level it was in 2019 but this was my biggest test in the BTC game… and today I am prouder than ever that I passed it.

Submitted February 13, 2023 at 10:41PM by parkerjaysmith

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