Tuesday 14 February 2023

Hey all, I published "Why Bitcoin was created", the second part of my 7-part series on Bitcoin

It took a lot longer than expected to research and write this. Luckily I found a lot of information in some really good comments in this subreddit :)This is the outline of the series:Part 1: The current systemPart 2: Why Bitcoin was createdPart 3: The Bitcoin tech explainedPart 4: My conceptual breakthroughsPart 5: The history of Bitcoin and cryptoPart 6: Threats to BitcoinPart 7: Practical information to get startedAnd you can find the article here:https://bit.ly/3K7w0zX and all feedback is much appreciated :) I'm trying to convey the value proposition of Bitcoin as clearly as possible. via /r/Bitcoin https://bit.ly/3xoLTKE

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