Friday 9 June 2023

Have I lost my Bitcoin?

So I recently decided to keep my Bitcoin off an exchange so I fired up my old node and it's currently syncing. I created my wallet, encrypted it and all that stuff and it told me to generate a address in the Bitcoin tab and so I did, I then sent the Bitcoin to the address knowing it won't show up until it's synced fully - that I get. I restarted my node to update some settings, so I closed it like normal but when I opened it up the receiving address was no where to be found, I did a getaddressinfo on the address and it doesn't show the private key (maybe it doesn't) but the bigger issue is the isMine is false.

Have I lost my Bitcoin or is there something I am missing, I have never had this happen before and I am anxious because it was my a decent amount of Bitcoin.

Edit: I figured it out and I managed to get my Bitcoin back. Thanks to those who tried to help me.

Submitted June 09, 2023 at 03:11PM by ekcdd

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