Monday 30 October 2023

You never sell your #Bitcoin

Submitted October 30, 2023 at 08:16PM by Knanue

Bitcoin Gamma Squeeze

For the first time in history there’s something that can really melt faces and wreck the dreams of shorters. The name of that asset is bitcoin and it’s the only thing to have ever existed that cannot be diluted when the price skyrockets. When looking at GME, I think Wallstreetbets had the right idea but there’s just too many insiders that ended up dumping the stock and even more importantly the amount of stock that was issued after the rally. Shares outstanding went from 260 million to 304 million. The price was around $45 when this happened. In dollar terms they issued 2 billion dollars’ worth of stock to dump on you and put a lid on the rise and thus ending the vicious cycle of higher prices leading to more interest and vice versa.What if this were to be done on bitcoin? What if we shoot the price of bitcoin to 400k which would make bitcoin an 8.4 trillion-dollar market cap asset. For comparison gold is estimated to be 13 trillion dollars in market cap and bitcoin is the better asset and store of value. So, what would happen after the rapid rise? The answer is probably nothing, bitcoin could just hold its gains since there is no way to make more of it even if the price goes up, 21 million is the total supply that cannot be exceeded. For every person there’s only 0.002625btc. Let’s not leave all of it for the bankers please, I recommend you start buying at least this small amount just in case. To be top 1% in a bitcoin economy you need 0.12btc which costs 4000 dollars today. Why is now the perfect time to squeeze the shorters of bitcoin? There has been a lot of options selling on bitcoin, the implied volatility (VIX of bitcoin) is trading at depressed levels. Options volumes have started to rise rapidly. CME futures open interest has never been higher. Given all this, it seems that bitcoin could be at the cusps of a gamma squeeze. On top of that there is the limited availability of bitcoins right now, long term holders are holding vast majority of the coins. It is the perfect setup for giving the shorters and call sellers of bitcoin a reality check. Don’t wait for Blackrock and others to accumulate all the bitcoin, why not front run the bankers and let them join at a higher price. Also, the BTC etf is coming at the latest January 10th. On top of that, around April 2024 the supply inflation rate will be cut in half, which has caused a massive spike every single time it has happened in the past. The catalysts are there.  via /r/Bitcoin

Thanks Bitcoin I learnt so much

I remember that in school, they once explained how inflation works:They told us, that there are technical advancements, for example a better typewriter or computer that will be priced higher then the older one. They don't want want to lower the old prices, so the new stuff gets more expensive. However, a Baker sells the same bread. So he has to rais his prices too, if he wants to buy better machines.So basically their argument was: Better technology makes inflation.Now, through Bitcoin, I learned that it is not only wrong, but the other way arround. Technical advancements make stuff easier and cheaper. And I am thinking, why they wanted us to intentionally think wrongly about price developement? Not only not educating us about finance, but doing so in the wrong direction. via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin is unstoppable 🔥 via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 29 October 2023

ATH in multiple countries via /r/Bitcoin

Do people in this sub know about nostr?

Like the title says. Just curious if you know that nostr exists. In case you don’t know, nostr is very similar to Bitcoin as in it’s not a company, but a protocol for communication. I jokingly call it a Pleb-to-Pleb communication network. While on the surface, it now looks like any social media platform, its inside mechanics are much more interesting. What makes nostr a Bitcoiners heaven, is the fact that the lightning network is baked in the design. You can tip (they are called Zaps) people directly for the value they bring, of course you will be Zapped for sharing good content as well. It’s really fun. It’s no place to farm Sats, as you will probably be spending everything you get tipped on other people 😅 but that’s the fun part really. I sometimes think of it as the Bitcoiners Contact list. Almost everyone there has a Lightning address willing to receive Bitcoin. Any way check it out. This site gives you a glimpse of the users, how many Sats they sent/received and their general social graph: (this is like for nostr)If you like to check out nostr. You can do that using Damus on iOS, Amethyst on Android, and many other web clients on desktop, like snort, Primal: here is a quick link: via /r/Bitcoin

That’s it guys. I’m officially selling all my bitcoin. Microsoft said so.

Submitted October 29, 2023 at 10:14AM by meatismoydelicious

Saturday 28 October 2023

Today is day 365 of my $5/day experiment

Hi everyone,

I see posts all the time of people saying ‘Is it worth buying BTC if I can only spent X amount a day/week/month. I decided to put it to the test and set up automatic purchases through Strike app of $5/day. I tracked it all separately from my original portfolio. My goal is to make it to 1000 days. Here is my current data for 365 days!

Day 365

Total Stack: 0.07569918

Average Price: $24,108.58

Current Price: $34,158.20

Total Spent: $1,825.00

Current Value: $2,585.75

Net Change: +41.68%

Highest Purchase Price to Date: $34,999.30

Lowest Purchase Price to Date: $16,115.52

All of my purchases include the 0.5-1.0% spread that I have to pay. I have turned what is most people’s daily Starbucks into a small portfolio of 7.5 million sats or ~$2,500 at current value. So to answer everyone’s question. YES. It is absolutely worth it to buy Bitcoin even if you can only contribute minute amounts.

Submitted October 29, 2023 at 12:39AM by Gorillahair2000

Today is day 365 of my $5/day experiment

Hi everyone,I see posts all the time of people saying ‘Is it worth buying BTC if I can only spent X amount a day/week/month. I decided to put it to the test and set up automatic purchases through Strike app of $5/day. I tracked it all separately from my original portfolio. My goal is to make it to 1000 days. Here is my current data for 365 days!Day 365Total Stack: 0.07569918 Average Price: $24,108.58Current Price: $34,158.20Total Spent: $1,825.00Current Value: $2,585.75Net Change: +41.68%Highest Purchase Price to Date: $34,999.30Lowest Purchase Price to Date: $16,115.52All of my purchases include the 0.5-1.0% spread that I have to pay. I have turned what is most people’s daily Starbucks into a small portfolio of 7.5 million sats or ~$2,500 at current value. So to answer everyone’s question. YES. It is absolutely worth it to buy Bitcoin even if you can only contribute minute amounts. via /r/Bitcoin

Does anyone else feel like that?

For me, Bitcoin stopped being an "investment" an became a moral obligation.We all know money is time. You sacrifice some of your limited time on earth to work and make money you need to live.So when the government starts printing more money, they aren't simply stealing your wealth, no, much worse, they're stealing your time.Time you could have spent with your family, friends, pets or whoever is close to you.So with that in mind, I kinda feel like I owe it to everyone I love to make sure no one can steal my time. Because if I don't do that, that means I don't respect my time and therefore don't respect the time I could've spent with them.Bitcoin is arguably the only asset that can be compared to time in regards to scarcity.So, I owe it to my future wife and kids, my animals, my friends, my siblings and parents and of course myself to stack as many sats as I possibly can.Money obviously isn't everything. But time is.I think it's hard to fully comprehend how important your time is. There is so much going on in this world and in our lives that we only recognize that when it's already too late.So, stay humble and stack sats! via /r/Bitcoin

Lets screw Black Rock and Wall Street by HODLING our Bitcoin. These institutions took everything from us in 2008. It is time we take everything back. via /r/Bitcoin

Friday 27 October 2023

151200, the amount of BTC that will be mined till the next halving.

Just an interesting thought :

With 180 days left, till the 4th halving on 24 April 2024, there's only 162106 BTC left to be mined, till said date.

The fifth Bitcoin halving is expected to happen around 2028 when 1,050,000 blocks are mined, i.e., 98.4375% of the whole BTCs.

After the 5th halving, the rate of new Bitcoin creation will be significantly slower.

This would potentially increase the perception of Bitcoin as "digital gold" due to its scarcity, which will attract more long-term investors.

Bitcoin will have been in existence for almost 20 years. As it matures, it will become more integrated into the global financial system, leading to increased stability.

I think the future looks bright.

Stack Sats, Stay Strong, Secure Your Future with BTC.

To the moon, one Satoshi at a time ! 🚀🌕

Edit : 162106 BTC to be mined till halving.

Submitted October 27, 2023 at 09:02PM by AdvanceU2

The US is f*cked. If you thought civil asset forfeiture was bad because cops could take your cash for no reason, Biden now wants to enact the same for bitcoin. via /r/Bitcoin

‘Buy Bitcoin’ search queries on Google surge 826% in the UK

Submitted October 27, 2023 at 05:26PM by Amber_Sam

Thursday 26 October 2023


Submitted October 26, 2023 at 01:02PM by Fireinthehole_x

Bitcoin is such a large idea its hard to wrap my mind around it

Bitcoin is such a large idea its hard to wrap my mind around it. I studied cryptography in Uni & database design , and then as of lately when im stoned i've been watching tons of videos on the proof of work mechanism , SHA 256 , growth of the hash rate. I think overall I have a pretty solid grasp of what bitcoin is and where it's going. Take a objective look at this technology... The largest computer network in human history (bitcoin network) , rules based, globally accessible , verifiable , ability to send value nearly instantly across the globe through a decentralized public ledger system.​^ keep the above in mind. The average "fiat money" lasts anywhere from 20-30 years based on history, the average world reserve currency generally 100'ish years. The US is nearing this end, the only reason it hasn't happened is because in the fiat system we really don't have a viable competitor, if we did the market would instantly reflect that. EVERYONE holds dollars. ​Now where does bitcoin come in?in 1903 the wright brothers flew the first plane... if you were to tell people standing on that field watching , that in just a mere 66 years later we would now land people on the moon ( July 16, 1969 ) , they would have said you were a lunatic. This example illustrates that most human's are not able to comprehend the pace of innovation at all. Bitcoin in 2023 its probably like post 5-10 years after the first plane flight. This technology is about to TAKE OFF, more than likely its going to be used in ways we can't really imagine right now. ​Many of you on this sub were early adopters and I salute you. ​The Blue Chip big boys are COMING, and they are going to take this to new levels. ​​​​​​​​​ via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin in the New York Times and in the Wall Street Journal

Submitted October 26, 2023 at 09:47PM by BitCypher84

Tuesday 24 October 2023

Please explain why all my friends refused to buy BTC when I told them at 16k and now they all call me to ask how to buy? Why people always prefer to pay higher prices? Can't wrap my head around this

No text found via /r/Bitcoin

Why Bitcoin is rising?

It is mostly pulled up by rumors about the imminent approval of bitcoin-ETFs. The largest investment companies in the world have applied for these funds. For example, BlackRock, which manages $10 trillion. In general, a spot bitcoin ETF is very much awaited in the crypto world: it will help increase liquidity, trust and availability in the market.However, so far there is none of this. The SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) is rejecting these applications so far. So why is it growing?Perhaps the market senses the near approval of ETFs. For example, yesterday it was reported that BlackRock registered its spot Bitcoin-ETF with the DTCC, i.e. the depository. This is a key step before its official launch to the market: it is assumed that BlackRock has started accumulating Bitcoin, i.e. it is preparing for the launch of the fund. It turns out that Bitcoin is once again growing on rumors. And BlackRock, having not launched anything yet, is letting people earn money now.At the same time, the bitcoin bull cycle is already planned, and the spot Bitcoin-ETF will only add fuel to the growth, as more money will enter the crypto through it.So what do we do?- accumulate Bitcoin at any price while the world is changing - YES!- buy it because it is growing now - NO!After all, the reason for growth is short-term and the market is volatile. And it's certainly not worth trading. via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin wakes up…🔥

Submitted October 24, 2023 at 08:45PM by BitCypher84

Monday 23 October 2023

Every pizza you buy is the most expensive pizza in history, regardless of the money you use

We've all heard about the two pizzas that were bought with 10k bitcoin, and how they were the most expensive pizzas ever purchased. The conclusion one seems to reasonably reach is that this guy lost millions in a poor decision, and that you should therefore never spend your bitcoin. Therefore, some argue, bitcoin would never really become a medium of exchange since no reasonable person would subject themselves to such lost opportunity cost.

But every purchase you make that doesn't buy bitcoin has cost you just as much. Back in 2010 the two pizzas you bought with US dollars cost you just as much as that man, because you bought pizzas instead of buying bitcoin and storing it long term. We may jokingly chastise that transaction, but everyone has made a similarly impactful financial decision, they just don't realize it. Today, everything you buy that isn't bitcoin is costing the future you as much money as anyone spending bitcoin today.

The reality is that everyone needs to spend money, be it to survive or to enjoy life. Whether you spend in US dollars or bitcoin is inconsequential.

So have peace of mind: go and buy bitcoin. Go and spend bitcoin. And replace the spent bitcoin next time you can. It's all the same.

Just don't store long term money in fiat and you'll be fine.

Submitted October 23, 2023 at 10:52AM by Codebending

Bitcoin is NOT "crypto". via /r/Bitcoin

"The Fall of Fiat" via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin back over 30K and BlackRock says it's a quality asset... via /r/Bitcoin

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Binance halts withdrawal of US dollars

Submitted October 18, 2023 at 09:33AM by PotentialMillionaire

BTC Loan

Just wondering if anybody has taken a loan for BTC? I just did recently, and feel great. Instead of doing real estate or bonds or whatever else, I am just buying digital property with a loan. Wondering if anybody else has done this?

Submitted October 18, 2023 at 12:39PM by Ok-Egg-4113

Thoughts on Bitcoin University? via /r/Bitcoin

Some of the other subs are slowly waking up via /r/Bitcoin

Tuesday 17 October 2023

Robinhood just blocked several stocks from being bought. They locked the buy button when it suited them. Don't buy Bitcoin on Robinhood. Ever.

Anyone following the WSB drama this morning will see that several brokers have blocked only the 'Buy' button to prevent GME, AMC etc being purchased. People can still sell. Don't let this happen to your bitcoin. Don't buy bitcoin on Robinhood.

Submitted January 29, 2021 at 12:11AM by Secret_Operative

Monday 16 October 2023

First ever statement after the chaos!

Submitted October 16, 2023 at 10:43PM by Electrical-Nobody259

Mentor Monday, October 16, 2023: Ask all your bitcoin questions!

Ask (and answer!) away! Here are the general rules:If you'd like to learn something, ask.If you'd like to share knowledge, answer.Any question about Bitcoin is fair game.And don't forget to check out /r/BitcoinBeginnersYou can sort by new to see the latest questions that may not be answered yet. via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 15 October 2023

Fidelity's Bullish Bitcoin Report | There is No Second Best

Submitted October 15, 2023 at 05:48AM by 18476

Bitlicense comes to California - Newsom has signed AB 39: We defeated it as AB 2269 in 2022, and prior Bitlicense proposals which included AB 1489 in 2019-2020, AB 1123 in 2017-2018, and AB 1326 in 2015-2016. But anti bitcoin law will drive innovators to other states and countries. Carry on..

Submitted October 15, 2023 at 02:12AM by pcvcolin


Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme in which everyone is constantly losing money through the power usage by the miners. It is rife with scammers and has negative expected value. Bitcoin will die.

This was a highly rated comment on the reddit investing thread.

How best to counter/educate someone on this argument?

Submitted October 15, 2023 at 09:17PM by AdorableClassic5087

Netflix should make a tv show about Satoshi Nakamoto

Mark Zuckerberg became a household name after The Social Network. If he can get a movie then so should Satoshi Nakamoto.I have been following this book for a while. I think it would be a perfect thrilling story for a movie about Nakamoto. I loved how the author has combined known facts about Satoshi with fiction to create a Dan Brown-esque story. via /r/Bitcoin

Saturday 14 October 2023

How did the SEC miss so many obvious rug pulls and exit scams? Should they have beeb more cognizant asfter the numerous ICO scams in 2017? Why did they spend so much effort blocking a BTC spot ETF?

Submitted October 14, 2023 at 11:36PM by Constant_Falcon_2175

Ferrari to accept Bitcoin as payment for its cars in the US

Submitted October 14, 2023 at 07:35PM by kadudu888

Bitcoin help me understand why the banking system is garbage

Bitcoin help me to finally see what the banks are and how they have been lying to us all this time. I always believed that holding money in the bank meant that it was mine that day all changed when I wanted to pull that money out to exchange it for Bitcoin, they stopped me.. refused me to use it for this.. My money refused to be used.. I later on came to understanding inflation and how the dollar just keeps getting weaker and weaker but yet the government just prints more money regardless of what it is doing to its people. Money in the bank is not ours.. its borrowed! Bitcoin is something I obviously worship, but it is something that has opened my eyes to the point where I do not even see things the same anymore, I felt like I was living a lie until I discovered the truth. Man it feels refreshing. via /r/Bitcoin

How did the SEC miss so many obvious rug pulls and exit scams? Should they have beeb more cognizant asfter the numerous ICO scams in 2017? Why did they spend so much effort blocking a BTC spot ETF? via /r/Bitcoin

Thursday 12 October 2023

Joe Rogan: Bitcoin can become a universal viable currency

Submitted October 12, 2023 at 11:47PM by No-Comparison-9307

I recently came into 10k and am thinking about putting into bitcoin, thoughts?

im rolling over the 10k from my 401k to fidelity but kinda want to invest it into something and i was thinking about buying BTC with it. i know its risky but im willing to take a risk via /r/Bitcoin

“In the history of the world, we have never invented a technically and thermodynamically more sound, pure monetary property than Bitcoin,” ~ Saylor via /r/Bitcoin

River launches Target Price Orders

Hi there!I’m the CEO of River and we just launched a pretty cool feature today called Target Price Orders. Announcement here.Target Price Orders allow you to set a desired price to buy or sell Bitcoin. Your order will execute automatically if the price reaches that level.I will be in the comments replying in an impromptu AMA format. Let me know if you have questions about Target Price Orders or River in general! via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Money Manipulation at a whole another level!

Submitted October 12, 2023 at 10:25PM by Electrical-Nobody259

Joe Rogan: Bitcoin can become a universal viable currency via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Money Manipulation at a whole another level! via /r/Bitcoin

Wednesday 11 October 2023

Fidelity Digital Assets Report Says Bitcoin Is Better Than Gold

New report from Fidelity Digital Assets argues that Bitcoin is fundamentally different from other digital assets and should be evaluated separately when constructing crypto investment portfolios.

Submitted October 11, 2023 at 08:29PM by Goranbbb

The Lightning Network won’t work..

Submitted October 11, 2023 at 07:56PM by saulabrm

Running a Bitcoin Node is so easy.

I have seen again and again posts spreading FUD "but government can shut it down", "what secures Bitcoin network being available" etc.

The bitcoin network is based on Nodes that have a copy of the blockchain and verifying transactions.

It is super easy to setup and run a Bitcoin Node on your PC. Go to Bitcoin dot Org and download the software.

For Windows it comes with an installer also. Installed in minutes. Here we are, you have your own Node and you are securing the Bitcoin network yourself.

You don't need to run in permanently. Just let it run in the background whenever you want.

Yes, it consumes CPU power and more relevant for the one or other it communicates a lot with the other Nodes in the internet. If you have a unlimited internet connection you do not have any problems are extra costs. You can also limit the network usage within the settings.

As long as a few people running Nodes Bitcoin can not be shut down.

If you want to help your Bitcoin being independent, run your own Node.

Submitted October 11, 2023 at 06:31PM by SidMcDout

What makes you so confident that Bitcoin will grow and persist in the long term?

There are external influences that can be influenced by people and weaken the system. The biggest threat, in my opinion, lies in the general financial system and its powers.

Bitcoin and blockchain, through their decentralization, take power away from organizations and institutions. Since financial powers have significant influence, a possible scenario could be that Bitcoin is no longer recognized as a form of payment. Or, as we're seeing now with BlackRock, Bitcoin may not be accepted as an asset (yet), which could lead to a decrease or absence of value appreciation.

I look forward to your assessment.

Submitted October 11, 2023 at 07:58PM by Anonym_playa

Paul T. Jones is worth $8,100,000,000 and pioneered the modern hedge fund industry. He says, “I think Bitcoin takes on a larger percentage of your portfolio. I like Bitcoin”

Submitted October 11, 2023 at 08:44PM by BitCypher84

For the people who are selling Bitcoin just 180 days BEFORE halving 2024…… what on Earth is going on inside their head?

Unless it is for life or death emergency, i cant think of anyone sensible would buy and hold Bitcoin, only to sell Bitcoin 180 days before halving.If you were in before 2022 and have HODL through the 2022 trough for more than one year, why sell now?If you got in at 2022 bottom congraz, why sell now instead of holding just a little longer for the halving? via /r/Bitcoin

What was the SEC's biggest "mistake" with crypto eg failing to prevent obvious rug pulls and scams, blocking a BTC ETF for almost 10 years, failing to give good clarity, etc? via /r/Bitcoin

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Is this the last call to buy bitcoin? via /r/Bitcoin

A0 Bitcoin whitepaper for printing

Dear Bitcoiners, yesterday many of you showed interest in having the BTC whitepaper as a single A0 page for printing and sharing with the average Joe. I've made the file you can see in the picture which is available for downloading here.

Share it with every possible human being! Let's make BTC a worldwide peer-to-peer electronic cash system!

Edit: I see a nice balance in upvoting and downvoting to this post. Please share both negative and positive feedbacks on the file, so that I can improve it.

Submitted October 10, 2023 at 06:27PM by denfaina__

How the Lightning Network grew by 1212% in 2 years - New report from River via /r/Bitcoin

Happy Mental Health day.

Submitted October 10, 2023 at 09:49PM by CarlBMenger_

Monday 9 October 2023

Bitcoin art spotted in Barcelona, Spain

Submitted October 10, 2023 at 01:01AM by BIT-Fortune

The release of BitVM renders all altcoins useless. Compute anything on Bitcoin without a fork.

Submitted October 10, 2023 at 01:48AM by HurricaneHarvey7

People hate what they do not understand...

People hate what they do not understand! Remember this. Bitcoin time and time again has proven itself not only useful but saving to people. Take the example of countries like El Salvador, with there current currency they had it was terrible, since introducing Bitcoin they have gotten better.

Bankers, investors (Stock Market) and old farts (Not all but the ones that chose to keep there minds closed) have all blocked the mind from learning about Bitcoin. If you even mention Bitcoin I guarantee you will either get laugh/mocked or get raged at, whether it be online or in person. Trust your own judgments, do your own research, be the person that takes charge of what they do, STOP FOLLOWING THE CROWD!

Everything has risk in life, I could be wrong as well, Bitcoin could go to zero for all we know (I highly doubt it though), but you know what life is about leveled risk as well, whether you get up in the morning and take a shower, you risk slipping in the shower and cracking your neck, when you cross the street you risk getting hit by a car, even simply eating your food you risk choking. Advancement and risk go hand in hand, that is the point I am trying to make here.

When Bitcoin becomes mainstream I guarantee you that those same people that made fun of you or raged will be the same ones to say "Well you just got lucky".

Remember, companies like Amazon and Google started out small and today they are huge. Do your own research, read the Bitcoin standard, understand Bitcoin and its uses and open the mind. Don't follow the crowd always, because that same crowd could potentially be headed off a cliff...

Submitted October 09, 2023 at 07:29PM by Emotional-Tennis9430

Just pulled a fast one on AI 🤭 via /r/Bitcoin

Canada‘s Purpose Spot BTC ETF reaches 1Billion (Cad) Market Cap

Submitted October 09, 2023 at 10:53PM by Nado155

The release of BitVM renders all altcoins useless. Compute anything on Bitcoin without a fork. via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin art spotted in Barcelona, Spain via /r/Bitcoin

Canada‘s Purpose Spot BTC ETF reaches 1Billion (Cad) Market Cap via /r/Bitcoin

Sunday 8 October 2023

Daily Discussion, October 08, 2023

Please utilize this sticky thread for all general Bitcoin discussions! If you see posts on the front page or /r/Bitcoin/new which are better suited for this daily discussion thread, please help out by directing the OP to this thread instead. Thank you!

If you don't get an answer to your question, you can try phrasing it differently or commenting again tomorrow.

Please check the previous discussion thread for unanswered questions.

Submitted October 08, 2023 at 02:07PM by rBitcoinMod

Lyn Aldens new book 'Broken Money' opened my eyes to the invention of the telegraph being a major part of monetary history.

It seems that there were four main systems of money or four main epochs of money in human history.The first was ledger transmission, where people kept a mental record of who owed what to whom, or a ledger carved into a cave wall was updated to represent who owes what to whom within a tribe, or a rai stone's ownership was transferred without it moving. This was a system of recording who owes what to whom using a record of account usually overseen by an entire tribe. This has been used since humans could communicate roughly 50,000 years ago.The second was physical transmission. By this point tribes and trade had become too vast for one record in one location, so humans adopted commodity money where the most saleable good was used as money, over time gold became the one constant everyone on earth could agree on. This has been used since roughly 5,000 years ago.The third was message transmission. The telegrapgh was invented in 1837 and allowed humanity to communicate instantly over distance for the first time in history. This allowed for stored gold ownership to be transfered by telegraph with physical settlement taking place later on. This evolved into the SWIFT system we use today where SWIFT is the financial messaging system that banks use to conduct transactions before they settle between each other later on. This has been used for the last 180 years roughly.The fourth is bitcoin transmission. This type of monetary system combines the best of all three of the prior systems. It is a ledger that everyone on earth can see, audit and authenticate. It is a digital commodity that has a much more sound stock-to-flow ratio than gold. And it is a messaging system that can transmit and settle in real time instantly from any point on earth to any other point of earth.Bitcoin is the ultimate monetary system. It is the best part of every single system of money humans have ever used for the last 50,000 years.Bitcoin is the culmination of 50,000 years of monetary evolution.A change in the way we use money this drastic happens only once every 500 to 5,000 years.When humans moved from ledgers to gold as money massive wealth was made by gold prospectors during that transition. When humans moved from gold to messaging as money massive wealth was made by banks during that transition. Now as humans move from banks to bitcoin as money massive wealth will be made by us. via /r/Bitcoin

The Buenos Aires barber's books: a history of 19,900% inflation

Submitted October 08, 2023 at 03:07PM by Bitcoin_Maximalist


Dear all

I'm having a big problem with Binance. I am a Dutch user and I can no longer withdraw my assets. They tell me to contact them, but every time I do there is something new. I've been dealing with this problem for almost a year now and it's making me really sick. I think it's scandalous of Binance. Does anyone happen to know what rights you have in this regard and does anyone happen to have any tips and does anyone have the same problem?

Thank you in advance!

#Binance #Crypto #BTC

Submitted October 08, 2023 at 09:39PM by Main_Departure_5841

How many bitcoin to retire?

Hello everyone, I'm 30 years old, and I will own a whole Bitcoin until the end of 2023. Do you think this will be enough for retirement at a certain time, and if so, when do you believe that might be?Edit: My salary is 70,000 - 80,000 Euros, which is approximately 75,000 - 85,000 US dollars. No other assets. I live in Germany. via /r/Bitcoin

Mental exercise: „you found 100Bitcoins in your old PC“! What is your next move?

Just thinking about it would make me want to sell at least a part. I guess it‘s in human nature … via /r/Bitcoin