Saturday 28 October 2023

Today is day 365 of my $5/day experiment

Hi everyone,

I see posts all the time of people saying ‘Is it worth buying BTC if I can only spent X amount a day/week/month. I decided to put it to the test and set up automatic purchases through Strike app of $5/day. I tracked it all separately from my original portfolio. My goal is to make it to 1000 days. Here is my current data for 365 days!

Day 365

Total Stack: 0.07569918

Average Price: $24,108.58

Current Price: $34,158.20

Total Spent: $1,825.00

Current Value: $2,585.75

Net Change: +41.68%

Highest Purchase Price to Date: $34,999.30

Lowest Purchase Price to Date: $16,115.52

All of my purchases include the 0.5-1.0% spread that I have to pay. I have turned what is most people’s daily Starbucks into a small portfolio of 7.5 million sats or ~$2,500 at current value. So to answer everyone’s question. YES. It is absolutely worth it to buy Bitcoin even if you can only contribute minute amounts.

Submitted October 29, 2023 at 12:39AM by Gorillahair2000

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