Saturday 7 October 2023

Starting a bitcoin node is easy, especially if you have a computer already. Here’s how and why.

If you play games or watch YouTube/Netflix on your pc for an hr or more that is something to contribute if you would like. The 6 hr recommendation is outdated. What matters is how long it takes your computer to catch up and download the blocks that where mined while the pc was off. Mine runs for about 5-10 hrs a day and takes about 30 sec - 1 min to catch up on start up. It also starts automatically on start up and runs in the back ground so I never worry about it. All you need to do is download the bitcoin core program from bitcoin . org. (I don’t want to create a link so I put spaces in). There are a few YouTube videos about downloading the program. This is bitcoin. So once it is downloaded you’ll want to launch it. You can find it by typing bitcoin in the windows search bar. At first start up it must download the entire blockchain. This can take a few DAYS. Yes that’s right. Days. That’s okay though as you can let it download in the background as you play or watch YouTube. Once the index of the blockchain has been downloaded you’ll be asked to create a wallet. Go ahead and create the wallet but don’t actually use it as it is a vulnerable wallet. This is your bitcoin core node wallet. There is a wallet.dat file in the computer now that can be stolen by a hacker or virus so yeah don’t use that wallet. That’s it. The bitcoin node is now running in the back ground. Once your create the wallet that’s all you need to do. To verify your bitcoin node is working properly you can go to the windows tab, then press information. Look for number of connections. You should have both in and out peers.If you do not have in peers after 1-2 min then you need to port forward your router to 8333. Do this by going to a web browser like google chrome, type the number 1, and then you’re IP address should appear in the search bar. Search your IP address and log into your router settings. There you can find your port forward settings and create a port forward. The next thing you’ll need to do is got into your windows firewall, advanced settings, then create 2 new rules. All will be for in. All will be for ports. All will be for port 8333. One will be for tcp and the other will be for udl. Once these rules are saved, you should restart your pc and your router. Then you should get in peers. TLDR how to start a bitcoin node, and how to trouble shoot the main issue that causes no connections to in peers. Windows 11. Not the best detail sorry. via /r/Bitcoin

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