Saturday 28 October 2023

Today is day 365 of my $5/day experiment

Hi everyone,I see posts all the time of people saying ‘Is it worth buying BTC if I can only spent X amount a day/week/month. I decided to put it to the test and set up automatic purchases through Strike app of $5/day. I tracked it all separately from my original portfolio. My goal is to make it to 1000 days. Here is my current data for 365 days!Day 365Total Stack: 0.07569918 Average Price: $24,108.58Current Price: $34,158.20Total Spent: $1,825.00Current Value: $2,585.75Net Change: +41.68%Highest Purchase Price to Date: $34,999.30Lowest Purchase Price to Date: $16,115.52All of my purchases include the 0.5-1.0% spread that I have to pay. I have turned what is most people’s daily Starbucks into a small portfolio of 7.5 million sats or ~$2,500 at current value. So to answer everyone’s question. YES. It is absolutely worth it to buy Bitcoin even if you can only contribute minute amounts. via /r/Bitcoin

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