Wednesday, 29 July 2015

I wrote my first book: "The Case for Bitcoin"

I felt that someone needed to compile a collection of counter-arguments for the Bitcoin skeptics out there. I hadn't found a good source which directly answered the most common criticisms of Bitcoin. I answer critics who claim that "Bitcoin is a Ponzi Scheme", that it is "Too Volatile", or that "Deflationary currencies are bad", etc.I also explain the currency in layman's terms. I spend a lot of time exploring economics, history, and the societal effects of trustlessness.Lastly I have a few chapters describing futuristic concepts that I think pertain to the Blockchain. Cryptographic Finance, distributed organizations, cryptographic identity systems, machines owning other machines via Blockchains, and more!This is my first foray into publishing. I'd be honored for anyone to take the time to read my book. I have a deep love of Bitcoin and what it portends. I needed to get that off my chest in the form of a book encompassing all of my thoughts, fears, and hopes about Blockchain technology.You can check out the book on Kindle here: you can also read a free sample chapter titled "Who is Satoshi Nakamoto":! via /r/Bitcoin

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