Wednesday 29 July 2015

[Question] Using spare hardware: can USB flashdrives be used for mining?

From opening/using bitcoin mining software I see that CPUs, GPUs, and USB ASIC hardware can be selected for use with mining. It has never been explained though as to what, if any, hardware beyond these categories can be used to add to your resource pool.

I'm asking this because at work we've had to replace USB flashdrives in multiple network backbone devices and they're just laying around. At the moment I have 24+ 2GB (USB 2.0 though) drives in a pile that are begging to be used. I'm currently benchmarking them - and I don't expect much in terms of performance - but I thought, "Hell, why not?" If there's a way to use them then great; if not then it's not a big deal.

I would just like a definitive answer that explains why (not) so that all my "USB" searches aren't completely filled with ASIC.

Submitted July 30, 2015 at 02:16AM by KamikazeRusher

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