Wednesday, 29 July 2015

The Age of Light

It all starts with a database. The database will collect information on all products and services around the globe. It will rank the products and services based on their social and environmental impact. The ones that meet the Gold Standard, will be called Good Works and all others will be ranked as lesser evil. This will allow people who can’t afford Good Works, to still help fix the world and humanity.A cryptocurrency will be created. It will only have three times the population of the world. The day everyone on the planet turns 18, they will be entitled to 1 coin. This will result in everyone on the planet getting a fair shot to reach their goals, because they will have ⅓ of the total amount of money they will ever make in their life. All coins go back to the global pot upon death. The ranking will be used to calculate Humanity and Dignity Points. When these are totaled after 7 years they will result in the distribution of currency based on the amount of points accrued. The first cycle will be 6 years and the rest 7. The amount of currency released will decrease with each cycle. The point is to ween humanity off of financial incentives to help each other. Points can be earned by, buying good products, volunteer work, in democratic societies campaigning, helping those in need, responding to amber alerts, and being good samaritans. Those who have a better than a “C” grade will glow like gold. The currency baskets will be given to each country to reward their good behavior and distribute the currency their own way, and to allow them tailored to their needs. Some countries who do not have diverse economies will be allowed to diversify, by marking products as being local. They will however must keep in mind they have to compete on the world stage. A basket of the currency will be set aside for the following: Dowries for rape and exploited women, in order to increase their desirability in society. This will include rape, being barren, prostitution and any other form of “leprosy” that is no fault of their own making.Dowries for adoption.A basket to encourage investment in solar, water filtration, ocean and sky clean up.To buy patents from all companies across the world. These patents once bought will be open to all who do good works. It will increase innovation and allow companies to put resources elsewhere.Develop LightPhone, LightGlasses, and LightApps.The LightPhone, LightGlasses, and LightApps are important. When the LightGlasses are worn it will show the consumer the best available products based on the their ranking. It will also show the world who has been doing right by their neighbor. Meaning they will glow like gold. We must encourage people to learn to live without the glasses as much as possible. By the end of the seventh cycle, man should no longer need them or the incentives. We will ask them to compare the current times with the future healed world. The hope is that the healed world will be good, and the knowledge that the short term has serious long term costs.I believe this currency and database will pull humanity out of the darkness and into the Light. It will shine light on those who do good in this world and reward them with currency. via /r/CryptoCurrency

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