Monday 31 August 2015

Gavin Andresen: On The Blocksize And Bitcoin's Governance via /r/CryptoCurrency

Slush pool under DDoS attack

Just sharing some current events with all the fine, open minded folks on this reddit...The Slush mining pool was under DDoS attack today. Probably completely unrelated to their being the only pool to be publicly supporting BIP101, but you never know. via /r/Bitcoin

YESMINER "M20" BATCH 1 20TH/S $4750 @1500W- Too good to be true?

Submitted September 01, 2015 at 11:34AM by Omaha_Poker

AT&T has effectively banned Bitcoin nodes by closing port 8333 via a hidden firewall in the cable box

Submitted September 01, 2015 at 08:56AM by blockstreet_ceo

Former Secret Service agent pleads guilty in Bitcoin theft

Submitted September 01, 2015 at 07:19AM by Egon_1

Spondoolies-Tech SP20 Jackson Networking Issues?

Got a SP20 of eBay and set it up in my dorm room at college. Yay free power!!! Everything seems to be working fine, the yellow light is blinking signaling finished boot. Only issue is that nothing shows up when I go to

Almost positive this has something to do with he type of internet my school uses. We have apogee Resnet internet. Don't know the technical term for the type of verification protocol they use but its the kind of internet where you don't need any password to connect to the network itself. When you open up a webpage it redirects you to a site to log into your account. I think this is the issue. The green light on the SP20 is flashing indicating network activity but its most likely not connected to the internet.

I know probably fucked but I decided to post here just in case any of you guys have an idea. Can I do anything in this situation? Any work around? Is this even the issue? Any advice would be helpful and much appreciated.

Submitted September 01, 2015 at 10:18AM by Crio750

Blythe Masters Tells Banks the Blockchain Changes Everything via /r/Bitcoin

What Community Bankers Should Know About Virtual Currencies via /r/CryptoCurrency

Is a Corsair CX750M sufficient for an Antminer S3(+)?

Title. Ideally want the miner to last two years or so.

Submitted September 01, 2015 at 08:06AM by iAmAddicted2R_ddit

AT&T has effectively banned Bitcoin nodes by closing port 8333 via a hidden firewall in the cable box via /r/Bitcoin

BackPage Integrates Paxful via /r/CryptoCurrency

Former Secret Service agent pleads guilty in Bitcoin theft via /r/Bitcoin

FCC Commissioner: The future of state record keeping? Vermont leads the way. The Green Mountain state is exploring use of blockchain [Twitter] via /r/Bitcoin

"At a time when the ecommerce industry is affected by unprecedented levels of fraud due to stolen cards" - Paypal is increasing merchant rates to keep me safe. After 10+ years of loyalty, Thanks. Incorporate BITCOIN and we BOTH could save a crap ton? via /r/Bitcoin

Coinffeine v. 0.12 supports 20+ currencies.

Submitted September 01, 2015 at 01:44AM by flix2

End-of-Summer Business Reading: Dreamers and the Defiant


Former Agent Pleads Guilty in Silk Road Drug Site Probe


Completely Functional Decentralized Marketplace Protocol Drop Zone is Released via /r/Bitcoin

Proposal for adding Bitcoin symbol in this subreddit.

I was reading on this post from yesterday and /u/QuasiSteve pointed out that BitcoinTalk and the bitcoin wiki have implemented a way to show the bitcoin symbol in text.

The mods could easily make something for us actually. They could style a hyperlink to show the bitcoin symbol. <a href="#btc"></a> Can be styled in CSS code as such:

a[href="#btc"] { background-image: url(bitcoin-symbol.png); } 

This would replace the hyperlink with an image (the Bitcoin symbol).

What are your thoughts on this? Should the mods add this to the subreddit?

Edit: made an example of it in use:

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 10:33PM by bearhagen

BackPage Integrates Paxful - 4000 new bitcoiners and new lessons

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 11:26PM by theleximus1

Metaco unleashes Fiat on Testnet Blockchain ! (Open Asset Protocol)

Hey, I am Nicolas Dorier and as the CTO of Metaco, I am happy to announce the first testnet release of our ambitious goal: bringing traditional currencies to your bitcoin wallet aside of your bitcoins, and with integrated trading!

Metaco is effectively a colored coins broker bringing traditional financial institutions to the Blockchain, and making the market to provide liquidity. In other words, you will be able to trade bitcoins for EUR, USD and other assets without the need for a bank account, directly from your Bitcoin wallet. Trades take place directly on the Blockchain -- we do not own your private keys.

We provide a full fledged trading API for third-party Blockchain apps that need on-blockchain trading features -- either for hedging / investing, or for their own clients. We are effectively a broker / liquidity provider. At this time, we only release a beta version of our trading web app in order to get your feedbacks. It is a typical app relying on our trading API (hoping to open source that !). Please do not hesitate to play with it and contact us with any suggestions you might have.

Once we release our platform to the mainnet, we will announce our partnerships with licensed issuers as well as Bitcoin wallets integrating our trading technology (you will have the joy to fill up KYC/AML forms so you don't launder yourself by mistake ;-) ). Thanks to the Open Assets specification, you'll be able to transfer your assets between compatible wallets like Coinprism as easily as usual bitcoins, and trade them without exposing your private key and without counter-party risk.

We look forward to see you experiment with monopoly-securities trading until we release the mainnet version with actual securities.

Link :

Since it is on testnet, you will need some free testnet bitcoin which you can find in several faucet like : (search bitcoin testnet faucet on google)

Please follow up with all feedbacks and comments you might have!

n.b.: minor edits

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 10:42PM by MetacoSA

President of Tmobile writes open letter about data abusers and mentions bitcoin

"I’m not sure what they are doing with it – stealing wireless access for their entire business, powering a small cloud service, providing broadband to a small city, mining for bitcoin -- but I really don’t care!"

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 09:24PM by modogg187

My Bad Experience Investing in Neucoin via /r/CryptoCurrency

MORPHiS Released! (NEW Dmail UI!) via /r/Bitcoin

IROTC trader giveaway via /r/CryptoCurrency

EB94 – Gavin Andresen: On The Blocksize And Bitcoin's Governance

Submitted September 01, 2015 at 01:36AM by nevremind

BackPage Integrates Paxful - 4000 new bitcoiners and new lessons via /r/Bitcoin

The Eerie Realism of ‘Mr. Robot’


It is raining on Slush pool today. 11 new blocks in the last 9 hours. 8th BIP101 block mined as well.

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 05:14PM by anti-fragile

Help finding Miner software for Mac

Hello Miners,

Ive been recently looking for a bitcoin mining software for Mac and have not been very successful as most of the download links are either out of date or malware.

Can someone point me in the right direct?


Submitted September 01, 2015 at 01:08AM by Chasin_Dreamz

EB94 – Gavin Andresen: On The Blocksize And Bitcoin's Governance via /r/Bitcoin

Coinffeine v. 0.12 supports 20+ currencies. via /r/Bitcoin

"App for that? BitGold looks to take gold savings mainstream" via /r/CryptoCurrency

Zug. The so-called Crypto Valley is meant to become the global centre for cryptocurrencies via /r/Bitcoin

Coin Report article - How PeerTracks, ArtByte & other blockchain companies are revolutionizing the music industry via /r/CryptoCurrency

President of Tmobile writes open letter about data abusers and mentions bitcoin"I’m not sure what they are doing with it – stealing wireless access for their entire business, powering a small cloud service, providing broadband to a small city, mining for bitcoin -- but I really don’t care!" via /r/Bitcoin

NSA wants encryption that fends off quantum computing hacks - implies elliptic curve could eventually be broken

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 07:40PM by OzzyBitcions

Coinbase expands to Canada

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 09:04PM by blazamos

Metaco unleashes Fiat on Testnet Blockchain ! (Open Asset Protocol)

Hey, I am Nicolas Dorier and as the CTO of Metaco, I am happy to announce our first official release on the blockchain testnet of our ambitious goal : Storing fiat currencies emitted by banks in your bitcoin wallet instead of your bank account ! (via the colored coin protocol Open Asset)In other words, you will be able to trade Bitcoin against CHF/EUR/USD or JPY without any need for a bank account. We do not store your money, because we do not own your private key.Once you buy those colored coins from us, you'll be able to transfer them on your Coinprism, keep it on our app, or transfer them on any other wallet services which will support Open Asset.We have a full fledged API for wallet provider or any service to buy colored coins from us.The best is yet to come : For trading real asset on MainNet with us, you will have the joy to fill the KYC/AML requirements so you don't launder yourself by mistake. We decided to keep it off on testnet, so we can build anticipation on this much awaited killer feature.The link I am going to share is our own implementation of a typical web app relying on the API, and it is in beta. (Hoping to open source that !)You can do some paper trading while waiting we release the main net version with the real bank assets. :)Link : it is on testnet, you will need some free testnet bitcoin which you can find in several faucet like : (search bitcoin testnet faucet on google)Please follow up with all feedbacks and comments you might have! via /r/Bitcoin

Call of Duty #Ghosts #games Pay $BSTY GlobalBoost® #bitcoin via /r/CryptoCurrency

Taskforce, EFF oppose California Bill AB-1326 via /r/CryptoCurrency

Ghana’s Beam pivots, ditches bitcoin as means of payment via /r/Bitcoin

Results of the Ledger giveaway

Here are the results of the Ledger giveaway:

The winning price to guess was 227.68 USD

The winners are:

They will each receive a Ledger pack containing:

  • Ledger Nano Duo Strap: a Nano + a wearable
  • Ledger HW.1 Multisignature: 3x HW.1 for a multisig scheme (compatible with Coinkite and Copay)
  • Ledger Unplugged: a NFC card for mobile use (compatible with Mycelium and GreenBits)*
  • Ledger OTG: to use the Nano or the HW.1 on an Android phone (compatible with Mycelium and GreenBits)
  • Ledger Starter: a bootable USB with an air gapped Linux to securely initialize or restore a Nano/HW1

Picture of the full pack:

Thank you all for participating!

*the Ledger Unplugged will require to be flashed with a firmware which will not be available before September 15th

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 03:18PM by murzika

Newly released Antminer S7 hashes at 4.8 TH. 8 BTC price

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 08:23AM by masterzman

It is raining on Slush pool today. 11 new blocks in the last 9 hours. 8th BIP101 block mined as well. via /r/Bitcoin

Coinbase expands to Canada via /r/Bitcoin

NSA wants encryption that fends off quantum computing hacks - implies elliptic curve could eventually be broken via /r/Bitcoin

Barclays to become first UK high street bank to accept bitcoin

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 04:38AM by bitcoinbravo

Barclays to start accepting bitcoin

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 12:36PM by yellowpage09

Morning Agenda: Challenges on All Sides for the Fed


Mentor August 31, 2015: Ask all your bitcoin questions!

Ask (and answer!) away! Here are the general rules:If you'd like to learn something, ask.If you'd like to share knowledge, answer.Any question about bitcoins is fair game.And don't forget to check out /r/BitcoinBeginnersYou can sort by new to see the latest questions that may not be answered yet. via /r/Bitcoin

You can buy Steam wallet credit with bitcoin at Here's our tutorial! via /r/Bitcoin

As seen in American history museum in Washington DC

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 06:54AM by celes8

Entry and Exit Leads to Zero Profit for Bitcoin Miners via /r/CryptoCurrency

Anyone else receiving "[How to steal a car] BMW, Mercedes, Range Rover, Audi, Porsche,Lexus LS 220" on their butterfly-labs emailadresses?

Beyond Bitcoin - BitShares Dev Hangout with bytemaster on 8/28/15 via /r/CryptoCurrency

The Regime Test - a Great Filter for the cryptocurrencies via /r/CryptoCurrency

Results of the Ledger giveaway

Here are the results of the Ledger giveaway:The winning price to guess was 227.68 USDThe winners are:/u/purduered with a prediction of 227.68/u/LPedro54 with a prediction of 227.70/u/AAAdamKK with a prediction of 227.66They will each receive a Ledger pack containing:Ledger Nano Duo Strap: a Nano + a wearableLedger HW.1 Multisignature: 3x HW.1 for a multisig scheme (compatible with Coinkite and Copay)Ledger Unplugged: a NFC card for mobile use (compatible with Mycelium and GreenBits)*Ledger OTG: to use the Nano or the HW.1 on an Android phone (compatible with Mycelium and GreenBits)Ledger Starter: a bootable USB with an air gapped Linux to securely initialize or restore a Nano/HW1Picture of the full pack: you all for participating!*the Ledger Unplugged will require to be flashed with a firmware which will not be available before September 15th via /r/Bitcoin

Gyft Co-Founder speaks on bitcoin and blockchain technology via /r/CryptoCurrency

Sunday 30 August 2015

MØ volatility spikes with the rest of the forex market via /r/CryptoCurrency

I'm launching a Bitcoin Blog and to start off I'm giving away a guide to programming a block explorer with Python for free.

Hi /r/Bitcoin.

My name is Alex and I used to write for CryptoCoinsNews. I'm a programmer whose followed Bitcoin for a few years and recently decided to turn my weekend projects and writings into a personal blog. Most of the code projects were for fun and helped me to understand Bitcoin better. My goal is to share this information with others and hopefully help them get into Bitcoin.

For me, the best way to learn something new is to dive right in. The guide shows you how to read block and transaction data directly from the block chain files using Python. Typically this is data we use services like or to provide. Because most cryptocurrencies are based on Bitcoin this information is highly transferable so I include an example for Bitcoin and Litecoin.

A Kindle version of this material is listed on Amazon for $0.99 (Literally the lowest price you can list) but I'm giving the content away here for free. If you feel like supporting me please consider grabbing a copy and leaving me a review or check out my blog and leave me a comment there.

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 03:30AM by alexgorale

Barclays to become first UK high street bank to accept bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Barclays to start accepting bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Newly released Antminer S7 hashes at 4.8 TH. 8 BTC price via /r/Bitcoin

BitPay: ‘Silicon Valley is Becoming a Bitcoin Hub’

Submitted August 30, 2015 at 11:02PM by TBclassic

Cypherpunks Envisioned Bitcoin in the Eighties via /r/Bitcoin

My custom bitcoin shirt via /r/Bitcoin

Seeking angel investor(s) to start 45 PH/s mining farm

We are seeking $18,925,000 from a group of angel investor(s) that want to get into bitcoin mining.

We have property that can handle 13MW of power, of which 12MW can be used for mining, with the expenses for electrical cost under $0.03 USD KW/h. The electricity company requires a substantial deposit of $675,000 based on 2.5x the monthly average usage of $270,000.

With the announcement of the new ANTMINER S7 we can achieve 45.0+ PH/s.

We can have a complete build-out done by mid-November, and we have made a deal to place the miners in a hosting facility until the build-out is complete. This hosting is about 2.5x more than our costs, but given the time frame, should bring an additional $2,500,000 before our build is complete.

We currently do not have a business plan written as this does not fall under a conventional BP model. We do have a P&L spreadsheet available for potentially serious investors, and we plan to have a BP in place by the first week of September.

Based on a Bitcoin target price of $210.00, if we could complete funding by the end of September, we would reach a break-even point just prior to the bitcoin halving mark of July 2016. This is critical junction, as we want to remain profitable past the halving mark, and be fully prepared for the dramatic hashing power increase of the next generation machines.

It is imperative that we get started quickly to avoid the halving, so the break-even point does not extend into the halving point.


Some statements contained in this document or incorporated by reference into this document are forward-looking and involve uncertainties that could significantly impact results. The words “believes,” “expects,” “estimates,” “anticipates,” “will be” and similar words or expressions identify forward-looking statements made on our behalf.

You should be aware that this investment has a risk of losing your capital. The amount of risk varies with each type of investment but in the very worst case scenario this can mean all of your capital is lost. If your attitude to risk is that you are not prepared to take any risks with your capital you should instead consider investing in a guaranteed return investment.

We intend to use the net proceeds for our operations and general corporate purposes not limited to purchasing all necessary equipment, permits, deposits, payroll, and any unforeseeable expenses.

Neither the Securities and Exchange Commission (USA) nor any state or governmental securities commission has approved or disapproved of these securities or determined if this prospectus is truthful or complete.

NOTE: We have spreadsheet information available on google docs, for serious inquires.

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 09:21AM by LVSwany

As seen in American history museum in Washington DC via /r/Bitcoin

I'm launching a Bitcoin Blog and to start off I'm giving away a guide to programming a block explorer with Python for free.

Hi /r/Bitcoin.My name is Alex and I used to write for CryptoCoinsNews. I'm a programmer whose followed Bitcoin for a few years and recently decided to turn my weekend projects and writings into a personal blog. Most of the code projects were for fun and helped me to understand Bitcoin better. My goal is to share this information with others and hopefully help them get into Bitcoin.For me, the best way to learn something new is to dive right in. The guide shows you how to read block and transaction data directly from the block chain files using Python. Typically this is data we use services like or to provide. Because most cryptocurrencies are based on Bitcoin this information is highly transferable so I include an example for Bitcoin and Litecoin.A Kindle version of this material is listed on Amazon for $0.99 (Literally the lowest price you can list) but I'm giving the content away here for free. If you feel like supporting me please consider grabbing a copy and leaving me a review or check out my blog and leave me a comment there. via /r/Bitcoin

I want to start mining, and I'm not sure what is everything I need to get.

So, I wanna try mining. Not for a profit, but for the experience. I'm looking at amazon and ebay and looking into Bitmain Antminer U2. What are your guys thoughts on these? Secondly I don't know if I'm simplifying it too much but, can I just download some software onto my laptop and then plug in the usb into my laptop? Also best site to sign up for to mine? This just seems super cool and kind of a impulse hobby, but I want to learn more.

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 07:56AM by acheang

Alexandre Linhares explains why he is excited about Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

combining BIP100 and BIP101

At this point Gavin Andresen and Jeff Garzik need to find common ground and combine BIP100 and BIP101 in order to avoid potential continuous conflict between miners and the rest of bitcoin’s ecosystem.

For example, instead of a strict maximum blocksize, they could establish a range - 4MB to 8MB now - 8MB to 16MB in 2 years - 16MB to 32MB in 4 years - 32MB to 64MB in 6 years … and let miners decide on the maximum blocksize inside of this range.

Alternatively, if Gregory Maxwell manages to convince Gavin, Adam Back’s proposal (2MB now, 4MB in 2 years and 8MB in 4 years) could be used as a lower limit of this range for the next 6 years.

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 12:42AM by admerc

Help me get the Bitcoin symbol added to Unicode

Adding the Bitcoin symbol to Unicode would be a good thing, and I'd like your help. Specifically, what I need are examples of the Bitcoin symbol used in "running text". That is, the Bitcoin symbol used as a character in text, not as a logo, picture, or icon. Online examples are good, but usage in a book, newspaper, or other publication would be even better.

I've successfully proposed a symbol for addition to Unicode before, so I know the process. Finding substantial examples in running text is a key component for a successful proposal.

If you have examples of the Bitcoin symbol in running text, please let me know. I've found a few examples, including posts on and conference papers, but I need more.

Notes: I'm talking about the standard stroked-B Bitcoin symbol; see the /r/bitcoin logo. I'm aware of the ฿ and Ƀ symbol alternatives; it would still be good to get the stroked-B symbol in Uncode. Also, emoji in Unicode have very different rules; I don't think a Bitcoin emoji would be useful.

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 05:34AM by kenshirriff

Thought about getting the S7 , decided to do this instead ...

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 04:24AM by MrBigMugs

breadwallet on Twitter

Submitted August 30, 2015 at 08:34PM by kostialevin

Help me get the Bitcoin symbol added to Unicode

Adding the Bitcoin symbol to Unicode would be a good thing, and I'd like your help. Specifically, what I need are examples of the Bitcoin symbol used in "running text". That is, the Bitcoin symbol used as a character in text, not as a logo, picture, or icon. Online examples are good, but usage in a book, newspaper, or other publication would be even better.I've successfully proposed a symbol for addition to Unicode before, so I know the process. Finding substantial examples in running text is a key component for a successful proposal.If you have examples of the Bitcoin symbol in running text, please let me know. I've found a few examples, including posts on and conference papers, but I need more.Notes: I'm talking about the standard stroked-B Bitcoin symbol; see the /r/bitcoin logo. I'm aware of the ฿ and Ƀ symbol alternatives; it would still be good to get the stroked-B symbol in Uncode. Also, emoji in Unicode have very different rules; I don't think a Bitcoin emoji would be useful. via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Micropayment Service Targets Global Freelancers via /r/CryptoCurrency

[August 30, 2015] Block Size and Hard Fork Dialog

This thread is open for discussion on block size and hard forks.

New submissions regarding block size and hard forks are not permitted at this time, so unless you have very substantial news to share, post your questions and comments here. Please read the following guidelines before proceeding:

  • There's a new subreddit guideline in the sidebar. It reads:

    >Promotion of client software which attempts to alter the Bitcoin protocol without overwhelming consensus is not permitted.

  • Discussing the merits and drawbacks of BIP 100, BIP 101, BIP 102, Pieter Wuille's BIP ??? and other proposals is encouraged.

  • Themes regarding hard forks in general, such as what happens when they occur, how to ensure the fork is successful, and how the bitcoin network can react to hard forks which are potentially hostile, are open for discussion.

  • Avoid personal attacks and emotionally charged arguments.

  • No meta discussion.

  • Stay on topic.

There's been a lot of great discussion so far. Let's avoid falling back into voting cliques. They harm the discussion and will have no impact on the outcome of this debate.

  • Don't downvote an otherwise acceptable post because you don't personally like it. Think before you downvote and take a moment to ensure you're downvoting someone because they are not contributing to the community dialogue or discussion. If you simply take a moment to stop, think and examine your reasons for downvoting, rather than doing so out of an emotional reaction, you will ensure that your downvotes are given for good reasons.

Submitted August 30, 2015 at 05:41PM by BashCoBot

What happened to snapcard?

Anyone remember snapcard and Yanni? Where you could buy whatever you wanted online in bitcoin even if the site didn't take bitcoin. Snapcard had a browser add-on that made purchasing items in bitcoin simple.Now their business model looks to have changed to a Coinbase competitor.Anyone know what happened? via /r/Bitcoin