Sunday 30 August 2015

Help me get the Bitcoin symbol added to Unicode

Adding the Bitcoin symbol to Unicode would be a good thing, and I'd like your help. Specifically, what I need are examples of the Bitcoin symbol used in "running text". That is, the Bitcoin symbol used as a character in text, not as a logo, picture, or icon. Online examples are good, but usage in a book, newspaper, or other publication would be even better.

I've successfully proposed a symbol for addition to Unicode before, so I know the process. Finding substantial examples in running text is a key component for a successful proposal.

If you have examples of the Bitcoin symbol in running text, please let me know. I've found a few examples, including posts on and conference papers, but I need more.

Notes: I'm talking about the standard stroked-B Bitcoin symbol; see the /r/bitcoin logo. I'm aware of the ฿ and Ƀ symbol alternatives; it would still be good to get the stroked-B symbol in Uncode. Also, emoji in Unicode have very different rules; I don't think a Bitcoin emoji would be useful.

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 05:34AM by kenshirriff

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