Sunday 30 August 2015

I'm launching a Bitcoin Blog and to start off I'm giving away a guide to programming a block explorer with Python for free.

Hi /r/Bitcoin.

My name is Alex and I used to write for CryptoCoinsNews. I'm a programmer whose followed Bitcoin for a few years and recently decided to turn my weekend projects and writings into a personal blog. Most of the code projects were for fun and helped me to understand Bitcoin better. My goal is to share this information with others and hopefully help them get into Bitcoin.

For me, the best way to learn something new is to dive right in. The guide shows you how to read block and transaction data directly from the block chain files using Python. Typically this is data we use services like or to provide. Because most cryptocurrencies are based on Bitcoin this information is highly transferable so I include an example for Bitcoin and Litecoin.

A Kindle version of this material is listed on Amazon for $0.99 (Literally the lowest price you can list) but I'm giving the content away here for free. If you feel like supporting me please consider grabbing a copy and leaving me a review or check out my blog and leave me a comment there.

Submitted August 31, 2015 at 03:30AM by alexgorale

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