Monday 31 August 2015

Metaco unleashes Fiat on Testnet Blockchain ! (Open Asset Protocol)

Hey, I am Nicolas Dorier and as the CTO of Metaco, I am happy to announce our first official release on the blockchain testnet of our ambitious goal : Storing fiat currencies emitted by banks in your bitcoin wallet instead of your bank account ! (via the colored coin protocol Open Asset)In other words, you will be able to trade Bitcoin against CHF/EUR/USD or JPY without any need for a bank account. We do not store your money, because we do not own your private key.Once you buy those colored coins from us, you'll be able to transfer them on your Coinprism, keep it on our app, or transfer them on any other wallet services which will support Open Asset.We have a full fledged API for wallet provider or any service to buy colored coins from us.The best is yet to come : For trading real asset on MainNet with us, you will have the joy to fill the KYC/AML requirements so you don't launder yourself by mistake. We decided to keep it off on testnet, so we can build anticipation on this much awaited killer feature.The link I am going to share is our own implementation of a typical web app relying on the API, and it is in beta. (Hoping to open source that !)You can do some paper trading while waiting we release the main net version with the real bank assets. :)Link : it is on testnet, you will need some free testnet bitcoin which you can find in several faucet like : (search bitcoin testnet faucet on google)Please follow up with all feedbacks and comments you might have! via /r/Bitcoin

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