Sunday 30 August 2015

combining BIP100 and BIP101

At this point Gavin Andresen and Jeff Garzik need to find common ground and combine BIP100 and BIP101 in order to avoid potential continuous conflict between miners and the rest of bitcoin’s ecosystem.For example, instead of a strict maximum blocksize, they could establish a range - 4MB to 8MB now - 8MB to 16MB in 2 years - 16MB to 32MB in 4 years - 32MB to 64MB in 6 years … and let miners decide on the maximum blocksize inside of this range.Alternatively, if Gregory Maxwell manages to convince Gavin, Adam Back’s proposal (2MB now, 4MB in 2 years and 8MB in 4 years) could be used as a minimum blocksize in this range for the next 6 years. via /r/Bitcoin

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