Tuesday 1 March 2016

Don't worry, guys.

Just did my first ever wire transfer, moving money to a bitcoin exchange.Guys, my faith in Bitcoin has been renewed. This was the most idiotic thing I've ever experienced. First I tried to do it over the phone at work, but they require I be at my callback number within the hour to confirm. So I go out on my lunch break to the physical bank. Put myself on the list, wait in the lobby for at least a half an hour. Get called over the the desk to initiate the transfer. Am asked about my other accounts with other banks, how much money I have in them, if I have a credit card with this bank, if I am interested in financial planning, what I am buying with the transfer, etc. THAT COMES TO $25.Compared to Bitcoin this is like watching two guys conduct the first ever conversation over tin cans.Small blocks, big blocks, we are going to kick their fucking asses all over the goddamn street. via /r/Bitcoin http://bit.ly/1ONKGvX

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