Thursday 29 June 2017

.64 BTC in Mountain View California

Thank you for traveling with me.This last location is special.  It represents our past and informs our future.  Bitcoin will be as transformational, if not more, than the exhibits you will see.We are on the cusp of a massive change, the knee of the curve, and Bitcoin's countdown to greatness has already begun.The location is the computer history museum in Mountain view california.  it will cost you money to get in.  only go in if you are interested in the exhibits.   it will probably be gone by the time you get there.  set your expectations appropriately. take this as an opportunity to learn and think about how we will transform the world with bitcoin.there will be few, if any, clues.  the museum is small enough and you are smart enough to figure it out.  i reserve the right to be good to each other and enjoy the museum. and the hunt.  let us know when you find it.   i might be inclined to reward a good picture of the winner (pm me the privkey and I will juice things up for a public reddit pic of the winner).if you want an edge read all the associated comments and posts via /r/Bitcoin

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