Thursday 31 August 2017

Wang Chun:mI didn't pull out of anything. I told @JihadWu long time ago that I would support segwit2x only until July. Now it is September. via /r/Bitcoin

I'll just leave this here.

Submitted September 01, 2017 at 06:18AM by JcsPocket

Is it worth it to start?

So I just came across a YouTube video at the beginning of the week and have been looking at videos and how this works. I'm not expecting a get rich quick or anything but more I'm a computer hobbyist and it seemed like a fun project that could turn a small profit but is it worth it at this point? Seems like there are changes coming here soon to regulate mining? Seems to be some people say go for it and others say it's not even close to being worth it. Also the best I could do right now would be a 2 x rx 580 setup with a Psu and MB that could support 2 more if I wanted to down the line. I'm completely new to this so sorry if this is obvious or noobish. Thanks. Any advice and opinions welcome.

Submitted September 01, 2017 at 11:42AM by MonitorZero

Coinbase customer support via /r/Bitcoin

hahahaha thought this was funny via /r/Bitcoin

I borrowed $30000 from the bank

And I'm going to buy some btc. Wish me luckSee you in 12 months via /r/Bitcoin

Hey all I am new

So I recently started mining bitcoin at home on my laptop. I am using GUIMiner and I am part of the Slush Pool. I'm mining at a rate of around 25-30 Mhashes/s. Is there a way to increase my profits?

Submitted September 01, 2017 at 10:40AM by 8Warden12

BTC-e is back online!

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 10:44PM by Rabur

Bitmain continuing to do great things for #Bitcoin. Patents, lawsuits, proxy wars, empty blocks, market manipulation, & more to come!

Submitted September 01, 2017 at 12:21AM by Bitcoin_Bug

How do I go about mining BTC with using the full potential of my PC?

So right now im using GUIMiner but i dont feel as if it is using the full potential of my PC to mine for BTC. I have a pretty decent rig (GTX 1070, 16GB Ram, AMD FX 8370). So which program would i use to get the get the best results mining?

Submitted September 01, 2017 at 08:58AM by Desolath

With PPS, is mining 1 GH/s/day going to payout at a pool the same as 2 GH/day/12 hrs?

In other words, double the speed in half the time. I’m curious if the payout will the identical on a PPS pool.

Submitted September 01, 2017 at 08:31AM by castane

I'll just leave this here. via /r/Bitcoin

F2Pool Reneges: Bitcoin Pool Pulls Segwit2x Support Over Hard Fork

Submitted September 01, 2017 at 03:27AM by fat_jakey

Small scale mining setup

Hi everyone, in a few weeks i'm going to college and i'll be living in a dorm room where i'll be paying a fixed amount of money for electricity. I tought i could make use of this situation by using this free electricity to mine some BTC. My budget is around 500 USD. What kind of setup would you recommend and how fast would I be able to break even? I would like to hide the miner in a computer case to 'hide' it if someone would come inspect my room or something. I would also need to be mining over wifi, is this a problem?

edit: i'm paying a grotesque amount for a ridiculously small room so if it's only fair to get my money's worth.

Submitted September 01, 2017 at 06:00AM by GOT2BFIONAC

Question about mining

Should I buy an Antminer S9? I understand that it will probably take a year before the device is paid off but what if I could mine without the worry of cost of electricity?

Let me know your thoughts. I'd like to purchase one and start mining again. Or would it just be better to save my money and just buy bitcoins instead? Thanks so much in advance for your assistance.

Submitted September 01, 2017 at 03:38AM by Kenshinryu

Bitcoin Cash Hashrate Falls to 440 PH/s

Submitted September 01, 2017 at 04:37AM by redditunique21

Just procured 36 Antminer L3+'s, about to jump in head first, help!

I'm looking for others who have blindly jumped into crazy home mining operations. Do you have pictures of your setup? Anything you wish you would have known at the start?

So far, my plan is to use my detached second garage which has plenty of open space, it's own AC unit and openable windows. Each miner uses 800W, so I'll be calling my electrician and looking into whether it's more practical to install 36 new 120v outlets or 18 240v outlets (AP3++ PSU's can run 2 units off of one 240v outlet). The house is american 120v with 240v available for the dryer. I plan on connecting the hot air output to dryer exhaust hoses ported up into the attic, or an open window, whichever makes more sense.

Am I crazy? Or is this achievable with enough effort. Anything I'm missing?

Submitted September 01, 2017 at 04:37AM by immolated_

When it gets to $10,000 can we start announcing the price every $500 instead of every $100?

Since it will be happening a few times a day probably?

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 09:55PM by Bitcoiniswin

F2Pool Reneges: Bitcoin Pool Pulls Segwit2x Support Over Hard Fork via /r/Bitcoin

TREZOR Wallet supports SegWit accounts (beta over!) via /r/Bitcoin

Literally what I bought the MacBook Pro with Touch Bar for

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 09:55PM by zach719

Bitcoin just passed 4000€

4000 on coindesk. congratulations to all european friends! hodl on

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 09:38PM by bitcoinguy66

When plastic money is worth more than fiat....

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 09:53PM by blckeagls

Bitmain continuing to do great things for #Bitcoin. Patents, lawsuits, proxy wars, empty blocks, market manipulation, & more to come! via /r/Bitcoin

When it gets to $10,000 can we start announcing the price every $500 instead of every $100?

Since it will be happening a few times a day probably? via /r/Bitcoin

Putin invests $100 million in Bitcoin Mining Farm

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 11:46PM by redditunique21

My 23 cents transaction went through in like 20 minutes.. :) Hoorayy!!

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 05:24PM by Hodl_it

Slush, The Architect of The Very First Mining Pool: "Is Bitmain trying to patent pooled mining, something what existed even before they learnt about Bitcoin?"

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 03:18PM by anti-fragile

Literally what I bought the MacBook Pro with Touch Bar for via /r/Bitcoin

When plastic money is worth more than fiat.... via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin made it to John Cena's Instagram!

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 07:51PM by mnovelli2

Bitcoin just passed 4000€

4000 on coindesk. congratulations to all european friends! hodl on via /r/Bitcoin

Just wanted to say thanks

Everyone,I just wanted to say thanks, after trying to participate in both subs, I’ve given up on the other sub after finding it unbelievably immature, rude and poisonous to the whole bitcoin community.No matter what your feelings and opinions are I would always hope that everyone can be civil and objective. So thanks, thanks for being a fantastic, well reasoned bunch of people!! via /r/Bitcoin

The Cryptocurrency Boom Is Getting Too Big to Ignore

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 10:49PM by 101111

New ATH $4744.28 @ via /r/Bitcoin

Bitmain is suing Whatsminer with this patent for $40MM USD via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin made it to John Cena's Instagram! via /r/Bitcoin

Breaking Bitcoin: Community-Organized Technical Conf, Sept 9-10 in Paris w/ Jimmy Song, Peter Todd, Eric Lombrozo, Slush, Lopp, Ledger, Lightning devs, and more via /r/Bitcoin

cloud bitcoin mining, it offers a 15KH/s for free upon signup

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 07:27PM by zack1651995

Scam Warning Private Messages from btcopt

Hey All,

I received a PM who I believe is targeting users from this subreddit. He sent the following message :

from btcopt sent 3 hours ago Hi, we have just released a new version of Bitcoin Optimizer (v2.0.3b) and are looking for beta testers. The new version is showing GPU boosts above 35% for higher end GTX and HD series cards and diminishes the advantages of ASICs compared to standardized commercial hardware. The last stable version and new beta are available for download at Bitcoin Optimizer is currently open license and free for testing.

btcopt redditor for 5 hours Created Date: 2017-08-24

Just a warning to all, scams are everywhere so please be careful.

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 07:28PM by twmac

Broad picture of Bitcoin price since infancy

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 03:16AM by markovcd

Antminer S7 help

I'm having a heck of a time trying to get my S7 running 100%. I've found the IP address and configured the pool that I want, but the S7 randomly shows an ASIC board go to all dashes. It's not the same board every time, but a different board every time I reboot it, even without swapping PSUs around. Any idea what the heck is going on?

I'm going to bed so I won't be able to answer questions until I wake up.

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 05:16PM by nplamers

HashFlare Changes its "lifetime" contracts to 1 year even for existing customers and raises its prices.

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 06:53PM by Madcotto

My 23 cents transaction went through in like 20 minutes.. :) Hoorayy!! via /r/Bitcoin

Slush, The Architect of The Very First Mining Pool: "Is Bitmain trying to patent pooled mining, something what existed even before they learnt about Bitcoin?" via /r/Bitcoin

Which Pools are Bitcoin Core friendly? AKA No segwit 2X

I dont want to mine for the wrong side.

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 10:48AM by Av8Surf

Bitcoin Is The New 'Gold' via /r/Bitcoin

16 y/o Just invested for the first time in my life

I invested $50 into BTC, wish me luck! via /r/Bitcoin

Kim Dotcom demos micro-payment service to help stop piracy - BBC News via /r/Bitcoin

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Guy is still genius

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 08:21AM by Idiocracyis4real

FORBES: Bitcoin dethrones gold as the "new hedge" in times of uncertainty!!!

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 10:01AM by BudaHodl

Coin Offerings Create Financial Risks: China Industry Body


"Cypherpunks are libertarians who stopped whining. #bitcoin"

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 06:19AM by finalhedge

Guy is still genius via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin Core 0.15.0 performance is impressive

I've started a node today with Bitcoin Core 0.14.2 to use it as my wallet.

I've been wanting to run Core as my wallet for a long time, but I never got the chance to use it until now.

Part of that is because my machine is a bit old (Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5500 @ 2.80GHz, 2 GB of RAM), I run Arch Linux on this 10 years old machine.

I was also a bit short on disk space, but I had an SSD sitting around unused and I'm using it now for my datadir.

Anyway, I started with 0.14.2 and I noticed the initial sync was going a bit slow, until someone on #bitcoin told me to upgrade to 0.15.0-rc3 and WOW.

What a difference it made with performance! I noticed the initial sync is going way faster now, it's also better with resource utilization, CPU, RAM and I/O decreased dramatically to the point I can browse with Firefox while the sync is going, and I didn't had to upgrade the RAM or anything like that. Awesome!

This is something you don't see every day, and like GNU/Linux, I love that Bitcoin Core works and scales between high-end computers or low-end/modest computers like mine. :)

Thank you so much Core devs, I truly appreciate your work and you guys are amazing.

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 02:37AM by landen_schmitt

Why are Antminer S9s price going up so much?

Is this a combination of the fact there hasn't been a new release of S9s recently and the increase of BTCs price? Is there any way we can tell when a new batch of S9s will come out or if a new ASIC Miner will be released?

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 10:31AM by Ibott09

Bitcoin Core 0.15.0 performance is impressive

I've started a node today with Bitcoin Core 0.14.2 to use it as my wallet.I've been wanting to run Core as my wallet for a long time, but I never got the chance to use it until now.Part of that is because my machine is a bit old (Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5500 @ 2.80GHz, 2 GB of RAM), I run Arch Linux on this 10 years old machine.I was also a bit short on disk space, but I had an SSD sitting around unused and I'm using it now for my datadir.Anyway, I started with 0.14.2 and I noticed the initial sync was going a bit slow, until someone on #bitcoin told me to upgrade to 0.15.0-rc3 and WOW.What a difference it made with performance! I noticed the initial sync is going way faster now, it's also better with resource utilization, CPU, RAM and I/O decreased dramatically to the point I can browse with Firefox while the sync is going, and I didn't had to upgrade the RAM or anything like that. Awesome!This is something you don't see every day, and like GNU/Linux, I love that Bitcoin Core works just fine with modest hardware. :)Thank you so much Core devs, I truly appreciate your work and you guys are amazing. via /r/Bitcoin

FORBES: Bitcoin dethrones gold as the "new hedge" in times of uncertainty!!! via /r/Bitcoin

This has aged well....

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 02:41AM by cryptoreporter

"Cypherpunks are libertarians who stopped whining. #bitcoin" via /r/Bitcoin

Broad picture of Bitcoin price since infancy via /r/Bitcoin

Charlie Shrem's plan to avoid the S2X hardfork: "if we get segwit adoption really ramping up quickly we can make a case to the miners, maybe there is no need for a hardfork at this point, if ever." - I like it!

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 10:21PM by viajero_loco

The first satellite-received Bitcoin transaction only cost 6 cents in fees.

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 01:21AM by the_bob

Marshal Hayner, Francis Hunt - Metal MTL - Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

This has aged well.... via /r/Bitcoin

Canada-Based Chat Platform Kik to Launch $125 Million Token Sale


Does anyone know of any miner colocations with space available?

Most of the ones I've been able to find are at capacity. I found one that had space available but they wanted minimum of 25 machines. I'm looking to house about 6-8 miners. Thanks.

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 05:34AM by highdra

Hobby mining software with throttle?

New to mining, just for fun, and tried nicehash with my cpu and gpu since my gaming rig just sits all day. Now I don't care about the profitability, but after listening to my gpu fans running full speed I realized I do care about burning out my card prematurely so I'd like to cap the gpu cycles consumption . Is there any way to adjust the speed down or some mining software that allows this?

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 05:40AM by cortezblackrose

Just sent $10 to introduce a friend to bitcoin, 10 cents fee, 1min confirmation. High fees is FUD/Shitty wallets

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 11:22PM by elitegamerbros

I just saw this commercial for a bitcoin exchange broadcast on regular TV here in Japan!

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 08:19PM by CypressBreeze

Peter Schiff just had a client liquidate his entire IRA for Bitcoin

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 03:21PM by amorpisseur

Scaling Bitcoin Stanford - Submit talk proposals by Sep 25, 2017 via /r/Bitcoin

Serious question about Bitcoin vs. Altcoin movement, and other technology opportunities.

Alright so as a newcomer into crypto where do these altcoins get their value? Do they get their value from piggybacking off of Bitcoin's value?The main reason behind Bitcoin's value (correct me if I'm wrong) is the power behind the blockchain. However many of these altoincs do not have serious enough hashrate, so where is their value derived from?This has been confusing for me and friends of mine who cannot decide whether or not to stay in BTC, or to dip into other altcoins as investment opportunities. via /r/Bitcoin

My 2 cent fee segwit transaction is in a block via /r/Bitcoin

The first satellite-received Bitcoin transaction only cost 6 cents in fees. via /r/Bitcoin

"Hey guys my plate is finally relevant...oh it's already over 4500?!"

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 07:57PM by roomdrifter

How does 'luck' affect solo miners?

Hey Guys,

When I go on coinwarz to calculate the profitability of some mining setup, it always give an approximate time to solo mine a block (i.e., "Days to generate one block mining solo: 19.88 Day(s) (can vary greatly depending on your luck)".

What's luck have to do with it?

Hypothetically, let's say I have enough hash power to solo mine a block approximately every 20 days. For the sake of argument, let's say that one block is worth more than I would make mining in a pool for an entire month. Wouldn't it be more profitable to solo mine?

I can understand some variance (maybe some blocks take 30 days, maybe some only take 15), but how crucial is this "luck" element that can't be accounted for? Could it screw me over?

If I could solo mine a block in approximately 20 days, what are the chances that I go 60, 120, 365 days not mining a single block?

Submitted August 31, 2017 at 12:32AM by toothpasta1

Bitcoin is not broken: wallets are. The most important comment today.

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 06:08PM by almkglor

Just sent $10 to introduce a friend to bitcoin, 10 cents fee, 1min confirmation. High fees is FUD/Shitty wallets via /r/Bitcoin

Bitmain is trying to patent widely used efficient serial power layout which would affect all mining manufacturers

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 09:42AM by core_negotiator

Expected release date of the new Antminer s11 or 10? #speculation

I just made a topic about how i wanted to start mining bitcoins with the antminers s9. But someone suggested me too wait until the new antminer, he suggested that it likely to be released in the first quarter of 2018, would this be a reasonable expectation ?

This topic is for discussions of when the new miners could potentially get released.

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 10:53PM by Popeliciouss

Legal concern. There is any state in the US in which mining is illegal/regulated? If so which are?

No text found

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 10:59PM by jorgedrp

Charlie Shrem's plan to avoid the S2X hardfork: "if we get segwit adoption really ramping up quickly we can make a case to the miners, maybe there is no need for a hardfork at this point, if ever." - I like it! via /r/Bitcoin

BTC.Top, ViaBTC and AntPool are mining Bcash at a loss. More proof that is in fact an attack on Bitcoin.

No text found via /r/Bitcoin

Transactions with less than 10 sat/byte fees are going through

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 05:12PM by DestroyedByLSD25

Today was a good day...

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 03:59AM by alfonso1984

Jesus Christ, people. If you can't show some class, stay the hell out of the other sub.

Seriously, guys. You're only making us look bad and causing more unnecessary vitriol in the crypto community.

Remember why Bitcoin exists, which is to disrupt a corrupt global financial system. Every time we fight and point fingers at each other, we lose ground. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. Don't fall for it.

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 07:28AM by Lakeforlife

Bitcoin miner keeps stopping and starting

Hi this is my first time using reddit. I'm using BFG miner and I'm connected to slushes pool. Every 5 minutes I disconnect for 20 minutes

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 09:18PM by Sebby110

I just saw this commercial for a bitcoin exchange broadcast on regular TV here in Japan! via /r/Bitcoin

"Hey guys my plate is finally relevant...oh it's already over 4500?!" via /r/Bitcoin

Me in 10 years 🤑

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 08:50AM by alexxxandrarose

Blockchain Technology Moves Into Car Sharing, Mobility Services


How do I get the temperature of my S9 Antminer using SSH?

I have only SSH access to my Antminer S9. Can I get both the temperature and fans speeds using SSH?

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 08:57PM by Alex-hg

Peter Schiff just had a client liquidate his entire IRA for Bitcoin via /r/Bitcoin

Bitcoin is not broken: wallets are. The most important comment today. via /r/Bitcoin

Transactions with less than 10 sat/byte fees are going through via /r/Bitcoin

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 05:41PM by Bitminereu

The country that adds bitcoin to their reserves sooner will be the richer country tomorrow.

Imagine the growth against all other assets without depending on a central bank to manipulate its over riding fiat. Small countries have a tremendous opportunity to help its citizens.

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 04:57AM by BCJoey

"People are using Bitcoin to literally survive in Venezuela. How's that for utility? It's the ultimate utility."

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 06:41AM by finalhedge

Assess my mining technical breakdown

Hello all, just did some basic research recently on S9 and S7 mining and wanted to see if I was on the right track in terms of cost/profit breakdown, tech requirements, bitcoin and transaction payout

Mainly, is the BTC per month too high or low per 100 units (and 50 and 25) for both the block mining and the transaction fee? (still confused on how transaction fees work and how many to expect per month). Let me know if this is completely wrong, and if so, what needs to be changed. This does not factor in energy consumption or other costs. Any help or insight would be much appreciated!

Antminer S9 - 100 units

~3K per unit (w/ 1600W power supply = ~$400)

@100 = 340K

11-13 Th/s

.36 BTC per month

100 units → 432 BTC per year @ 4,500 = 1.9M

Transaction Fees: .146 BTC Median Transaction Value = 63 BTC = 283K

Revenue: 2.183M Cumulative

50 units = 972K 25 units = 683K


Antminer S7 - 100 units

~$600 per unit (w/ 1600W power supply = ~$400)

@100 = 100K

4.73 Th/s

.1645 BTC per month per unit

100 units → 164 BTC per year @ 4,500 = 738K

Transaction Fees: .073 BTC Median Transaction Value = 7.3 BTC = 33K

$845K Cumulative

½ = 440K

¼ = 320K

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 01:29PM by dharper7

Putin’s Advisor Plans $100 Million ICO for Bitcoin Mining Farm in Russia

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 02:04PM by remi9martin

$14MM of Bitcoin from 2010 is now "Anyone can spend" after moving to SegWit Adddress - SegWit haters - go steal it! via /r/Bitcoin

Bitmain is trying to patent widely used efficient serial power layout which would affect all mining manufacturers via /r/Bitcoin

Me in 10 years 🤑 via /r/Bitcoin

Tuesday 29 August 2017

How important is scale in bitcoin mining?

I have a great facility to set up a bitcoin mining operation with 0.5 MW available. The facility is located in the southern most part of Argentina in a tax fee zone. The weather is really cold, the facility is prepared for mining and the electricity cost is not so competitive but it's not bad either. Assuming I can get 350 ant-miners a S9 to consume my 0.5 MW. Will this be enough scale to set up a competitive mining operation? Or should I look for a place with at least 5MW available so I can have at least 3500 miners working? Besides getting a better deal for the hardware, what other aspects of scale are relevant to bitcoin mining?

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 11:39AM by mikeklurfan

Jesus Christ, people. If you can't show some class, stay the hell out of the other sub.

Seriously, guys. You're only making us look bad and causing more unnecessary vitriol in the crypto community.Remember why Bitcoin exists, which is to disrupt a corrupt global financial system. Every time we fight and point fingers at each other, we lose ground. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. Don't fall for it. via /r/Bitcoin

Me every time Bitcoin climbs another $1000.

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 01:32AM by TGILL922

Moscow Stock Exchange Prepares to Trade Bitcoin

Submitted August 30, 2017 at 04:16AM by tellski

"People are using Bitcoin to literally survive in Venezuela. How's that for utility? It's the ultimate utility." via /r/Bitcoin

Me every time Bitcoin climbs another $1000. via /r/Bitcoin