Thursday 30 November 2017

Can we please organize all the information about what is going on right now in this thread? Coinbase, Kraken, GDAX, and so on? There's no real information here in the sub anymore? Just memes?

Guys, we should make a list of everything that is wrong right now. How is Coinbase doing? Gdax? Kraken?Below I would like to add the status of other Bitcoin services as you guys keep commenting your experiences. The objective would be for us to have a good overview of whats going on right now.Mods, please let this post live. We need information during times where everyone is "What the hell is going on".Please upvote this thread and the good comments and I'll keep editing throughout the day.Bitfinex is doing fine (unless you margin traded yesterday during the flash crash), I didn't try to withdraw though so I don't know if that's working right now.Cryptopia (New Zealand exchange) is doing fine, no downtimes, possible to withdraw and everything seems ok besides everything melting down.GDAX is currently stable.Kraken is shit. But that's no news, it's been like that for months, if not years. Orders don't go through, 404 errors and duplicated orders, you name it. Basically,yesterday was like any other day for them.Coinbase FINALLY allowed me to buy bitcoin after several attempts and error messages. (this is not consensus, many people still unable to buy / sell through Coinbase. Coinbase say they are under maintenanceBitstamp is currently stable and able to make trades. via /r/Bitcoin

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